The Avian Lilliput Effect (Group 20)

The Lilliput Effect is a theory that explains why species significantly decrease in size following mass extinctions. This video goes through the methodology towards proving this hypothesis and the results that were obtained.

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45 Responses to The Avian Lilliput Effect (Group 20)

  1. Emma says:

    Good combination of pictures, drawings, and graphs. You used the visual most suited for each subtopic of the project.

  2. Oluwapamilerin says:

    Good video and use of visuals. However, I feel like it would’ve been better if the subtitles didn’t cover the information.

  3. Camalie says:

    The video was ok. It gave a good explanation of the Avian Lilliput Effect.

  4. Matthew says:

    The video seems a bit rushed at points and is a bit unorganized in format, but the information and figures are great. The topic is interesting and the video is able to connect this topic to the bigger picture nicely.

  5. Reagan says:

    Your explanation of the Liliput effect was very informative. Good job with the visuals and conveying the study to the audience!

  6. Nylah says:

    Informative, but it seems you all rushed the information. It was like I couldn’t keep up with what you were saying without subtitles. Also the subtitle covered up your images which wasn’t helpful. Overall I could understand your information and the visuals seemed to flow nicely with what you were saying.

  7. Lauren says:

    The subtitles made the video very distracting as I found myself reading the subtitles as opposed to looking at the diagrams that were being drawn. Overall, the video was very informative and flowed well.

  8. Blake says:

    Overall, good job. The video was informative and was able to get the ideas across. However, it did seem a bit rushed at times and the subtitles covered up information. Good job.

  9. Anthony says:

    The use of the whiteboard is very original in comparison to the rest of the videos. Looks good

  10. Sara says:

    I really liked the visuals. Well done

  11. Hanna says:

    The illustrations flowed very smoothly with the narration. They were helpful and informative

  12. Pratima says:

    The visuals and voiceovers were aligned well and were helpful in understanding the experiment.

  13. Hannah says:

    Clever use of the whiteboard. The narration was a bit quiet, but the narration and visuals matched up which emphasized the points you made in your video.

  14. Hannah says:

    Clever use of the whiteboard! Overall it was a good video, but I wished the visuals were more closely matched with the narration. At some point, I felt like the visual was distracting me from what was being said.

  15. Ansley says:

    The video was good. I liked the visuals, however the voice-over was too fast. I like that you put the subtitles to make it easier to follow.

  16. Irene says:

    The visuals were very good! But the speaker is talking very fast and can be hard to follow. I love how the camera moves as you draw the pictures but the subtitles covered some parts of the pictures.

  17. Jessica says:

    It felt rushed at times, but I did like the use of the whiteboard drawings and subtitles.

  18. Sohyun Kwag says:

    Nice explanations but I wish the sound of voices was steady. I like how you use whiteboard. The drawings are nice.

  19. Ayesha says:

    The video was well made, however there may have been too much information displayed at once.

  20. Helly says:

    Good visuals! Thought I found the subtitles a little distracting as they cover up the images and the sound level of the narration was low and made it harder to understand.

  21. Claire says:

    It definitely felt like they sped up the video (like 1.5X normal speed) in order to make it within the time limit. I thought the drawings worked well with the voice-over and helped in explanation, but more/more vibrant colors could be used to add interest. Although the captions were helpful because the voice-over was hard to hear at times, they covered up a lot of the images.

  22. Joshua says:

    The video seemed a bit rushed or fast-paced at times but wasn’t bad overall. The topic is certainly very interesting.

  23. Elizabeth says:

    Great video, I like the style of the visuals

  24. Kelly says:

    The visuals were very neat and well-placed, but at times the subtitles covered the actual drawings.

  25. Kelly says:

    The video clearly explained the research but was not very engaging.

  26. Mary Claire says:

    I think you had really great information, but it was a little difficult to follow due to the subtitles covering a lot of the visuals. Furthermore, some of the visuals were a little more complex than those that the average person would be able to understand.

  27. Isabelle says:

    A bit disjointed in terms of speed, and the subtitles were distracting; however, the video was overall very well done.

  28. Madison says:

    I like the way the drawings followed the words being spoken, but it would have been better if the narrator had spoken slower so it was easier to understand.

  29. Bailey says:

    Good images, but the audio is pretty bad with static. Not everyone has a good microphone, I know, but the volume jumps around pretty heavily (even with the same reader) which can be controlled. Also the words on screen were distracting, we were supposed to use the YouTube closed caption feature so those could be toggled, and there’s a lot of dead time on screen where nothing is happening or the video is paused.

  30. Alekhya says:

    I like the use of numbers and figures and found them to be very informative.

  31. James says:

    The editing for the video was solid, but I quickly got confused with some of the vocabulary, especially at the beginning.

  32. Sahar says:

    I like how you had the captions. It made it easier to understand what you were saying. Well done.

  33. Mira says:

    Your video was informative. At times, the narration was difficult to follow, but the captions helped.

  34. Christian says:

    I liked the video, but the voice-over was a bit quiet.

  35. Pooja says:

    The visuals are great; the main improvement would be to even out the voiceover audio and to make sure the subtitles don’t cover the information.

  36. Cassidy says:

    I liked your visuals but having the text overlap the pictures was a little distracting.

  37. Anaqa says:

    The concepts were presented very clearly through the use of graphs. And I appreciated the subtitles on the screen. Very helpful!

  38. Zachery says:

    The voiceover was a little too fast

  39. Elizabeth says:

    Great video! The subtitles were very helpful

  40. Darrell says:

    I thought your subtitles were a little distracting, and the sound was kinda weird. You did a good job presenting the information, and you did well tying in information from class.

  41. Darrell says:

    I thought your subtitles were a little distracting, and the sound was kinda weird. I thought that the video was still informative, and your visuals were good.

  42. Ana says:

    I love videos where there is real-time change/drawings to help understand concepts (unlike a power point). I also loved that you guys created your own subtitles, but sometimes it was in the way of the actual information 🙁

  43. Gilberto says:

    Disliked the visuals: subtitles were in the way of the illustrations too often. The recording was also shaky at times, and one of the narrator’s audio was lower than the other.

  44. Naqiya says:

    The usage of visuals was great, however, I felt that the captions could have been smaller because they blocked information. You were able to explain the concept well.

  45. David says:

    Nice visuals! I appreciate the hand-drawn work

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