Group M3: Extinction of Asian Tiger Mosquito Following Rat Eradication

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23 Responses to Group M3: Extinction of Asian Tiger Mosquito Following Rat Eradication

  1. Ye says:

    The introduction is very nice and easy to understand but maybe a little lengthy. And I like the ending because it mentioned the connection between this study and our class(community ecology).

  2. Alysha says:

    I like the visuals because they were easy to follow throughout the video. I also like how you tied it back to community ecology in Module 4. Overall, the video flows smoothly and is easy to understand.

  3. Zongru says:

    The drawing helps me understand the experiment easily. Seems like there are some scientists and artists in the group.

  4. Kim Anh says:

    Very nicely drawn and explained. It’s a good lecture…the only thing I find could’ve been fixed is the kinda shaky camerawork, but that’s very minor.

  5. Emma says:

    Good job, the lightings are your video could be better. Your explanations were really good.

  6. Lucas says:

    I like the explanation of data with the video. Everything fits well together.

  7. Craig says:

    Information was well researched and explained. My only complaints would be technical: the shaking of the camera and the glare on the white board definitely detract from the experience.

  8. Tseyon says:

    I think the lighting of the video could be much be better, but overall the explanations are explained thoroughly in a concise manner.

  9. Jacob says:

    The video quality itself is really the only issue. All of the information is well explained, but the lighting is rather dark and the camera not very still. Also, the introduction could have been shorter, with the actual data introduced much earlier. Yet, the data presented was very easy to understand, and was well explained. Overall, very good video!

  10. Claire says:

    The visuals are kind of unclear, but the video is very informative. Nice job.

  11. Sarah says:

    What an interesting study that shows the effect of the extinction of one species on the other species of the same community!

    Specifically, this is an awesome real-life example of the interspecies enemy-victim relationship of parasitism.

  12. Carole says:

    Great job! I found the background feedback in the audio a little distracting but thought the visuals were great!

  13. Benjamin says:

    The intro was a bit lengthy; I would have liked to get to the actual experiment a bit earlier. However, you still did a great job of explaining everything. The lighting and camera work needs improvement though.

  14. Michael says:

    Findings from the paper were clearly presented, and the visual elements assisted in the understanding of these results.

  15. Zachary says:

    The information and visuals were well presented and easy to follow.

  16. Hyunwoo says:

    It felt like a lecture, in a good way. Nice illustrations and information! The narration felt slightly too fast though.

  17. William says:

    Great job conveying the information and making the audio consistent between people. Really good work.

  18. Silverio says:

    The information was conveyed effectively, although it was slightly distracting sometimes with the camera shaking around as you were taking pictures.

  19. Pragya says:

    I like how the animations were drawn! It was easy to follow and cute!

  20. John says:

    I liked the whiteboard presentation here, and the comparison between the two graphs was nice. I wish you didn’t switch between different narrators since you all had different mics and different recording qualities that made it distracting.

  21. Cori says:

    Good straight forward video. Explanations and visuals are clear.

  22. Carol says:

    Great visuals, and the narration was very informative and concise. However, the video quality was a little lacking.

  23. Charles says:

    The lighting could’ve been much better.

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