Kate Bullock, Shanee Mortley, Hayriye Polik, Isabella Stubbs
“Bayesian Inference.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2016.
Nowak, R.M. 1999. Walker’s Mammals of the World, 6th edition. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
Rocha, R. G., Y. L. R. Leite, L. P. Costa, and D. Rojas. “Independent Reversals to Terrestriality in Squirrels (Rodentia: Sciuridae) Support Ecologically Mediated Modes of Adaptation.” Journal of Evolutionary Biology (2016): n. pag. Wiley Online Library. Web. 28 Oct. 2016.
The animation they used for the program was really cool. There were some issues with matching the animation transitions to the audio transitions (unless my internet was just lagging).
This is an interesting video and you all presented what I believe as a detailed study without completely overwhelming the viewer. However, I wish the logo weren’t so prominent, especially when it covers such great visuals.
You provided good background information, and made a strong connection to topics like evolution and competition. The animation was really cool too, great job!
The squirrels look super cute. Very engaging.
The video was really professional, animations and content were really good. Overall, great quality and straightforward
This video was excellent and presented a very solid understanding of the topic! I really enjoyed watching it!
Unique way to present a research paper! Using this way allows clear information to be presented. The words and pictures were easy to read. However, when nothing was really moving, it made me a little less engaging since it did not sound that interesting.
The video was pretty well made and I felt like I had a general understanding of your topic. However, the speed of speaking and the music made it hard to concentrate on what was being explained.
This software was a really cool way to present this information! It was easy to understand and interesting to watch. Good job!
Almost everything about this video was great. The full title, the uniqueness of the video and narration, and the background music all combined to produce a work well done. Bravo!
I loved how the group decided to use an animation to display the information. It made the presentation very interesting and informative.
Great job relating the experiment to modules that were covered in the course. Taking was clear and it was very easy to make out important information. Visual aids were all relevant and only added to the usefulness of the video
I enjoyed the animation and the video was fairly easy to follow. However, you guys talked really quickly and that made it a little more difficult to follow than it could have been.
Really cool graphics and animation. Never seen that before. Very concise and straight to the point. However, sometimes the speaker spoke a little too fast so it was hard to follow and retain the information.
I really liked this video! The information was easy to understand and the animation was unique and engaging. Good job!
Really cool the whole visuals. Impressive your group got someone can do this graphics and computer made cartoon. The audio can be improved .
The avatars are cool. I really like how even though different people were narrating, the animation allowed all of it to flow together nicely. I thought the visual aids were appropriate and helpful for my understanding of the study.
Really neat explanations, although sometimes the images didn’t always match what was being addressed. Also, there were some grammatical errors but overall good job.
I really enjoyed the animation although sometimes the avatar would begin talking before the audio which is what really bothered me. The images were fitting but they weren’t always attention grabbing.
I like that this video kept my attention really well and also gave good information!
Often throughout the video the audio was too fast too understand and became confusing when there were a lot of words on a specific screen. The words being said by the speaker were separate from what was written so it was like having to focus on two things at once in order to absorb any information which was quite difficult. On the other hand, all of the visual aspects were great. The animation was very intriguing and attention grabbing.
I really liked the use of the animation for visuals! It was cool to watch, but still sometimes hard to follow because the speaking was very fast.
Overall, really well-done. The connections to biology could have been better-integrated, though.
The animation was engaging. There seemed to be some problems in the very beginning of the video with the audio and the logo was also distracting. Overall the information was more interesting with the animation, although sometimes the information was presented too quickly.
I think this video was really unique! So far of the videos that I watched, no one has used pure animations. I think I had trouble with understanding because the speaking was a little fast for me to follow.
The animation was very well done and interesting. However, the pace of the narration was a bit too fast and made it hard to follow. In addition, there seem to be a small problem in the beginning of the video with the audio and did not give a clear introduction.
The animation on this video was absolutely fantastic; it was extremely engaging and pleasant to watch. At times, the voiceovers were a little bit hard to hear, partly due to volume and partly due to the speed, but the overall video itself was very well done.
I was very intrigued by the use of animation in this video- very original. However, at some parts I seemed a little distracted by all that was going on and because the voice over was a little off at some points. Overall, really informative and good.
Using an animation was cool and made the information very engaging! However, there was some audio overlap in the beginning and the free trial logo was slightly distracting at times. The visuals were helpful in explaining the information and made the presentation fun. Overall this was a very good project and did an excellent job in expressing the information.
The logo in the middle of the video distracted me a lot. Also, some of the sound did not match the video, which was also distracting. The animations themselves were entertaining and engaging. The video did a good job expressing the information.
The animation in the video was really cool! The charts and phylogenetic trees were great visual tools to help explain the data. This video was entertaining and informative.
The animations on this video are exceptional, very nicely done! However, the speaker is speaking very quickly so I often had to rewind the video in order to keep up. But overall, you guys look like you put in a lot of time to it, and it came out very well!
The software used for the animation was very good and provided engaging videos. The narration was a little fast however, making it a little tough to follow. One of the diagrams showing how squirrels moved to different continent was kind of hard to follow. Aside from these few drawbacks, the video was overall very good.
The animation was a good idea to make the video interesting. Sometimes the watermark could be a little distracting, but the video provided an excellent overview of the topic.
The animations were awesome in this video. It is clear that your group had a good understanding of the topic, and your group portrayed this information well. The only drawback was the logo, which could be distracting at times. Other than that, the video was engaging and made watching it enjoyable while still providing a lot of information.
The animations were very professional, and the information was presented in a very engaging way! The study and methods used were presented in a clear and coherent manner, as well. As most of the other videos I’ve seen (including my own) included drawing on a whiteboard, this was a different and refreshing approach! Well done!
The animations were really good. Audio was clear and presented well making the study easy to follow. The logo was pretty distracting, probably the only downside.
The animation idea was really cool, but the audio specially on the beginning wasn`t synced with the animations. The information presented was really interesting and complete. The main problem was the formatting of the animation sequences.
The animations were super cool! I felt like I was watching a cartoon rather than a lecture. The logo was kind of distracting but I understand that it was a free trial. The material was presented thoroughly and clearly. Good Job!
The video is very nice looking. However, the speaker pace is a little fast to understand. If there were simpler images which were related to what the speaker was saying, it might have made the pace a little less of an issue.
The video is solid and thorough. The animations are great and the audio was easy to follow.
I really liked the animations that were used to create the video. It really helped this video to stand out in comparison to others which used the same presentation format. The video was very engaging and enjoyable, while still conveying a lot of information.
Overall the information was good, I liked the animations, but the watermark on the presentation was distracting for me. Also, something happened to the audio in the first five seconds, it sounds like two people are trying to talk at the same time.
Good choice using the animation it made the video much more dynamic and visually appealing. The information was portrayed very clearly and efficiently.
I really liked the idea of presenting the whole project through animations. Sometimes there was a lag between when the avatar spoke and when sound came out, but other than that it was a good way to present the information in the research paper.
They did a really wonderful job presenting the information in a way that could be understood by a very large audience. It shows a very clear understanding of the study and its results as well as the concepts in class.
Wow this animation is awesome! Very unique! The information presented was very complete and I understood what the presentation was about. The only thing is that the audio is very quiet, but that’s being very knitpicky. Great presentation!
The animation in this video is like none other! very impressive. However, the back ground music was a little to loud. When the information was being presented, the speaker spoke to quickly and some words seemed to slur together. Overall, I really enjoyed how the visuals and the information tied together. I understood everything well. Great job!
The video is good. The animation looks very professional, and it is obvious that a lot of effort was put into the video. However, the watermark is distracting. The information is shown in a very interesting way. One thing to note is that while it is interesting to see what topics the study relate to in class, just showing them does not actually explain what those topics mean in the context of the study.
It’s interesting that I can see an example of evolution through squirrels. The information in the video is helpful because we’ve learned phylogenetic trees and how to analyze it in lecture so I can understand the video better.