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Group 33: How Scientists are Burning Fat with Fat
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I feel like I’m in the middle of an encouraging weight loss video or commercial! I love the setting of this video and the clear connections to our course’s subjects. The sound quality wasn’t the greatest, and some of the narrators rushed through their lines, but thankfully the closed captions were successfully available. I properly understand the topic of this research essay and what the findings suggest for the human population. Good video.
The video is informative; however because the speed of the video is a little too fast, it is difficult to understand what each speaker is saying. Consider maybe slowing down the video so the viewers can clearly understand what is being said. I do like how you made a prompt for your video though, like a news cast and info commercial.
While the format of the video is entertaining and helps present data, the rushed and sloppy audio distracts from the main points. Overall, it was hard to understand.
Really interesting video, and very interesting camera angles, i would never of thought to do that.
I liked the personal connection the video establishes with real humans presenting the information! The animated visuals were done really nicely as well. The sped-up narration was a bit distracting though. I know the time-limit is constraining, but the video may have been more effective if the narration was played at normal speed and maybe some extra parts were cut.
This is a very creative and engaging video. The visuals are very good but sometimes the video was too fast to really understand well.
Although the video was sped up, I felt that the topics were explained in simple enough terms to understand. The connection to diet, exercise, and study made the video easy to relate to and very interesting. The graphics were also unbelievable!
Everybody spoke really fast; the only way I could keep up was by reading the closed captions. It was inventive to film in a gym, and the news segment idea was a good touch.
This video was full of really great information and demonstrates that this group had a solid understanding of the topic at hand. It is evident that this group was forced to speed up the video to include all of the information that they wanted to convey, but I think doing this really took away from the video. It was really difficult to understand. Overall, the team made up for it with the great information and creativity displayed throughout the video.
Great video, but audio was hard to hear/follow. It was very informative!
The first part of the video really dragged me in. But then I got a little confused on what the presenters said because it was too fast. I had to scroll back and watch it again. I like where they filmed the video.
The video was informative, but all the speakers spoke way to fast and the video did not seem to flow to well. The group clearly understood and grasped this topic, but the video was hard to follow. It went on way too quickly. Other than that great job in the information given.
I really enjoyed how you guys incorporated several different ways of presenting the information of the study. Working out in the gym, the media broadcast, and the cartoons were all great visuals that kept me extremely engaged and I did not get bored once watching this video. However, the video was sped up way too fast and the audio was very sloppy and it made it hard to understand the speaker. I feel it would have helped to be more concise so that you wouldn’t have to rush and squeeze in all that information.
This video contained a lot of information, but the video speed was too fast to keep track of what was said. Aside from the speed, the video was well done overall!
It seemed like almost everyone was reading off of the script as fast as they could. However, the content of the video was presented well and was easy to understand. The drawing was aesthetically pleasing and helpful
I thought this topic was one of the more interesting concepts out of all the choices! It was a little hard to keep up at times because the people speaking were talking so quickly but it’s understandable considering there is a lot of information to cover in a short amount of time. I also loved the visuals you used to describe how the experiment was carried out.
This video was very interesting and the information was well presented. However, filming videos vertically is my personal pet peeve, and the video production was a little iffy overall in some areas. Otherwise, great work!
The sped up recordings made the video a little awkward. I like how you each narrated and explained part of the study while actually working out, though! It was a creative way of really putting yourself in your video. Information wise, you did a great job of making this study relevant to all of us and emphasizing the implications of this study.
Nice choice of setting for the topic. I also enjoyed the animations when more visual information had to be conveyed. The audio was a little difficult to hear probably due to ambient sound in the surroundings.
I liked how you guys filmed yourselves instead of doing an animation. Interesting information, but it appeared the video was sped up, so it was really hard to understand along with the audio being unclear sometimes. But overall, good job!
The setting of this video was very cool and very relevant to the content of the video. The audio was very rushed, but with the subtitles it was okay. The video was great overall and informative. The visuals near the end of the video were awesome.
visuals were very clear and well illustrated. I liked how it was set up as drawings and live video feed. I also really enjoyed how it was set up in the gym and the videos were taking on exercise equipment. Good job explaining the topic.
I do not like how fast the audio is, it is really hard to catch up. I also think it will be less distracted to talk in somewhere quiet rather than the gym. However, the visuals in the end is really good in color and drawing, i like that!
I really liked how the video took place in the gym and related to the topic. The visuals were informative and helped me understand the content better.
Very informative, I love that you guys made it much more real by filming in a gym. If the audio was a bit slower it would have been easier to understand, but overall good job!
The audio is really fast and it was difficult to understand what was being said. It didn’t sound like the people were speaking really quickly, it just sounded like you sped the audio up on the actual video, maybe to make the video be shorter to fit the time limit. But what I could understand was very informational.
I really liked how clearly the group explained everything and made the video easy to follow. The video was extremely creative and had nice visuals. However, everything was way too fast, which I presume was because the video was long. The group could have cut some information from the introduction to be able to slow down everything. Everything else was great.
The video was really creative and informative but difficult to understand because of the speed and background music
Nice topic! I found all the information really interesting and amazing. The figures used are very good, but the audio was a little difficult to understand. You should have slowed down the audio a little, but overall, I enjoyed the video.
I love the idea of filming this video in the gym; it matched the topic well and was an interesting spin. The audio was hard to understand because it seemed too fast at some points.
Saying this is a very creatively made video would be an understatement. The audio is very weak and slightly distorted throughout the video, proving to be slightly distracting. However, the article’s content is presented very clearly, and I was able to follow the points and information presented in the video very easily. Amazing job!
I like the way the information of this topic was presented with understandable visuals and links from science to real life. As mentioned a lot, the audio is incredibly fast and I would consider going back and taking out information that isn’t as pertinent to the topic so that it did not have to be sped up. Overall, a good and creative video.
I liked how you played with the format of the video. Overall I liked the video but had to rely on the subtitles too much because the audio seemed to move too fast.
I really enjoyed the way that the video was shot in. The whole weight loss commercial concept was really cool, plus the on location settings were a nice touch. The closed captioning was also very helpful because the narration of the video was sped up a lot. It was a little hard to follow, but overall, a great video!
The video was hard to follow because the audio was too fast. However, the concept of making a commercial was clever and the location added to it. The illustrations were nice as well. The application of the information was clear.
Oh my god, how did you guys do the drawing animations towards the end? It was really neat. You guys were definitely creative with your idea and I liked how you guys filmed it in the gym. Audio was a little fast, but other than that, great job!
This was such a cool idea. The setting of the video was awesome. The video felt personal, and I liked how each of you related your topic back to something relatable. Audio was a little fast, but other than that it was entertaining and creative.
Overall the video was interesting and creative. The different settings, camera angles, and illustrations helped make the video more entertaining. The only problem about the video is that the audio was a little too fast and at certain points the quality of it was not good. However, the video was still very well done.
I liked the personal connection the video makes and the animated visuals made it engaging as well! I know that time was tough for this one because I had this topic too, but the sped-up narration was distracting and hard to follow sometimes. This was super creative though, good job.
The narrations were clearly sped up, which was distracting and made it hard to follow at points. However, because it was composed of live videos of people speaking, it was very engaging and entertaining. The explanation of the topic was good and informative. The animations were very well done and added a fun element to the video. Overall, it was a very good video and if it wasn’t sped up to fit the time requirement, it would’ve been perfect!
I know you were trying to keep under the 5-minute limit, but I feel like speeding up the narrations took away from the video. I didn’t have time to absorb what you were saying. Some segments could have been taken out instead.
I did appreciate how each speaker sounded conversational and not like they were reading from a script, and the flash video was amazing! That must have taken a lot of work.
The way you filmed this video kept me well engaged. The gym was a great idea since it related to the topic and I loved the animation! Though it was a bit fast paced, the content was still understandable and it was necessary so you could get all of your information into a 5 minute video. Overall, great job!
I really liked how the video seemed like an infomercial for some type of exercise equipment. The setting made me want to pay attention. The sound quality was not the greatest and sometimes the speaking seemed a little rushed. I think this could have been fixed if the speaking was not sped up. Other than this, the video made the experiment easier to understand.
The video was well done once I took the time to hear what was being said. Due to the somewhat hard to hear audio recordings it was tough to understand what was being said at times. The pace of the narration was a little quick too. The setting of the video and changing situations was very entertaining and did a good job of catching my attention and helping learn more about the study that you reported on. Overall good job.
The speech is very fast, can’t understand what is being said unless I rewind the video. I like the idea that you all had about doing it in an exercise setting, it was very engaging! Your animations made the concepts more clear as well, good job!
Overall I really enjoyed visuals in this video as well as the gym and news scenes, I think this was a creative idea and made this video stand out from other. However, the speech was sped up and I was lost at some parts. The overall quality of the recording was no that great but the video as a whole was good!
Overall, I really liked the visuals, but they were sped up so it made it very distracting and hard to follow. I thought the animations looked great and I liked the idea of filming the video in the gym. Overall this was a great video, but the quality of the recording could have been improved.
The varying environments were really interesting! I liked that you filmed inside of a gym- it was very appropriate considering the information you discussed! The audio was a bit fast to understand; however, overall, the video was engaging and informative!!
I liked the format (the gym setting was funny but didn’t distract from the video). However the audio was incredibly difficult to understand and the speakers went through the information incredibly quickly. The visuals at the end were helpful and I wish there were more throughout the video. Overall though you did a good job presenting your information and keeping it entertaining enough to keep me interested
This video contained a lot information, but the speed of the narration made it very difficult to understand. The beginning portion on the treadmills was somewhat distracting and the video dimensions were not correct. The animations, however, were very good and helped with content delivery. The information was good, but the speed and low video and audio quality took away from the video.