Group Members: Greta Pfundt, Abby Russell, Natalie Taylor, Laura Huddleston, Shane Mudrinich, Han Bin Jo
Group Members: Greta Pfundt, Abby Russell, Natalie Taylor, Laura Huddleston, Shane Mudrinich, Han Bin Jo
I thought this project’s topic was really interesting. As a result, I think maybe this video created more questions than it answered.
What were the chemicals that were injected into these environments? Perhaps I am interested only because I like chemistry, but I still think it could be useful in actually understanding what exactly makes those chemicals healthy or bad. In addition, how does one go about injecting chemicals into an environment? Clearly a scientist isn’t going out into the ocean with a needle and giving the water a shot, but I don’t actually know what is happening. Again, perhaps these small, mechanical details are unnecessary, but I think it would still add to the overall presentation.
Aside from these and other small details—like a few typos and misspellings on the slides shown—the overall video was definitely really interesting, and I had no problems both hearing and understanding the information presented.
The information laid out was clear and effective, and the audio was understandable too. Plus, I liked how you guys wrapped the information up at the end. Overall, good job guys.
It was a good video. It was well narrated. I liked having the “takeaways” section. I thought the discussion about natural selection was very informative.
I thought this was a really interesting topic and video. The slides went well with the speaker and the speaker was easy to understand. They could have been a little more creative but it was a solid project.
The topic was very thought provoking. Albeit the video was organized and detailed, the information could have been presented in a more creative way.
The speaker spoke very clearly and the information was presented clearly! The “take-aways” made internally summarizing the info very easy and effective
Good quality of information presentation.
It was a great topic. I learned a lot from this video. I think the information was explained well through each slides of the powerpoint.
This is the first time I have seen a power point used in the video its very helpful for informing viewers, thanks.
Loved the presentation of the material. Very clear and easy to follow.
This was an interesting topic. The video was clean-cut and well organized. You laid out the relevant information and made it easy to understand and follow. The slides and voice over matched up well and the visuals were helpful.
It was a little plain but very good topic and information.
The narrator spoke at a good pace and clearly explained the points. The related issues and conclusion helped me to relate the dense topic to more understandable concepts. The explanations of the slides transitioned smoothly, but could have been explained a little better in simpler terms just to make it easier to understand. The project looks very put together and neatly displays the information.
Even though it probably could have been presented in a more engaging way, this video was well put together and informative. I especially liked how you guys drew multiple larger conclusions at the end of the presentation. Easy to understand and listen to.
This video is very informative. Also, the examples are laid out and explained very clearly.
The audio was clear and very easy to understand.
A very effective summary of an interesting topic. The narration was very easy to follow and paced well with the visual information presented. Some points in the video felt a tad redundant due to an almost direct reading of the visuals, and the use of a power point presentation can feel a bit dry. However, this does not necessarily take away from the video.
This is a well presented video. The information provided is very detailed. The speaker is very easy to understand. The background of the video cause a little distraction for me.
I liked the way that the video combined and tied back basic principles of evolution and ecology to the specific example of fish responses to coral reef smells. The information was kept simple and precise to capture the key points. Visuals helped with this and overall, it was informative and interesting!
The information was laid out very clearly, and the speakers are understandable. I like that you guys used actual photos instead of hand-drawn ones. Great job!
I like this video
Definitely one of the most professional videos; well put together, easy to follow, great information. Could have addressed the topic in a more creative manner, but still one of the best videos.
The topic was quite interesting and the information was well presented. The layout of the video was also very organized and clear which made the information easier to comprehend.
It is well explained with very clear voice!
I could understand very well about the Coral and Fish.
Also, data with bar graph helped me to understand even better.
This was a very good video that broke down the information in a way that was easy to understand.
Video explains their topic very clearly. It also relates the topic with other concepts discussed in previous chapters to give a better understanding of whats going on
Very informative and awesome pictures, sound was perfect. well done
Excellent video! I like the powerpoint format and how it made it easy to understand and follow what the speaker was saying.
Very informative and flowed very well. Good job!
Very informative and flowed very well. Good job! The data obtained made logical sense, and I enjoyed it.
Good job breaking the information down in bullets. Did a good job of explanation.
Good info, but a little dry. Helpful takeaways
A very well-made video with clear audio and coherency. One constructive feedback I have was maybe to simplify the information just a bit since a lot of details were added.
Nice video,easy to follow!
Your powerpoint format was actually pretty creative and unique, which I liked. Most other presentations used drawings and illustrations. At times, it felt like you were repeating exactly what was said on the slide – maybe you could have rephrased it. The presentation was overall very good.
This video did a very good job of laying out the information and did it in a way that was engaging. The pace of the narration helped ensure that we were able to follow along and the way that the text and pictures were put into the video made everything very clear.
Extremely professional video. Not only did I learn a lot from it but it was also engaging. The audio from the narrator was very clear and slow enough to be easily understood. I really like how you specifically talk about images being shown and they aren’t just two separate entities. A great video, nice work!
While this video may not have been has fun or clever as the others in this section, this video was very clear and informative. Personally, I like when information is presented in this manner.
Great and well organized visual information! Those made me easy to understand the concept! I really like this video!
The best thing about your project is how well it was organized because it was very clear to understand and very well laid out. I also liked how you guys kind of related it to the “big picture” at the very end. Overall this was a very good project!
It was a very informative video. Data was presented well and easy to comprehend.
The title really made me think before watching the video. The topic was explained very well and the visuals were informative! Good video guys!
The presentation was nicely done as the comparison of the graphs helped show why the certain actions were occurring. The amount of information provided was very thorough which was great!
Great use of visuals. The powerpoint was utilized very well during the presentation and did not include much unnecessary information or details.
Well put together video. Very well created and the visuals looked professional