- Chemical context for life – an optional review of chemistry principles needed to understand biomolecules
- Biological molecules and Protein structure and function
Application: Arsenic Life? arseniclife-v3
- Membranes and Membrane transport
Application: Lipids as molecular fossils Molecular Fossils – lipid biomarkers
- Cells
Application: CFTR, chloride ion transport and osmosis Cystic fibrosis
- Energy, equilibrium and enzymes
Application: pain relievers and cyclooxygenases
- Respiration and oxidative phosphorylation
Application: Redox energy and microbial fuel cells
- Oxidative pathways: electrons from food to reduce electron carriers
Application: Tylenol poisoning case
- Fermentation, mitochondria and regulation
Application: Patrick paralyzed
- Converting light energy to chemical energy
Application: atrazine
- Using chemical energy for carbon fixation
Application: deducing the Calvin cycle
- C4, review of respiration & photosynthesis
Application: phototrophic aphids
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