Group 16 – Species richness in ancient Egypt

Group Members: Brenan Wayland, Samuel Stewart, Rebecca McCord, Alexis Calvert, Chinami Wade, Arielle Myerson

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81 Responses to Group 16 – Species richness in ancient Egypt

  1. klanthier3 says:

    The concepts were logically connected which really helped my understanding

  2. ajds3 says:

    I really like when people use markers in their presentation in a dynamic way. Also, I love when some science merges with history, it makes it more interesting. Great job!

  3. arathor3 says:

    Well made video. I liked how you combined hand-made illustrations with pictures you got from the internet to display your information. Some of the illustrations were not really necessary in displaying your information, however. Despite this, your project was still very good.

  4. shoque6 says:

    Liked that they spoke clearly, were informative, and wrote clearly while explaining their concepts.

  5. mweaver9 says:

    Well done! A little weird that it paused on some visuals for so long but the audio was at a great pace and very easy to understand. There were obvious connections to what we’ve learned in class. Great job!

  6. ahendrix9 says:

    Great video. Lots of useful information and the narrator was easily understood.

  7. bmcfarland7 says:

    The video was really informative and well organized, but sometimes the drawings were hard to see!

  8. jlee963 says:

    Very easy to follow. Clear voice as well.

  9. akell3 says:

    Narration was clear and easy to understand, and the video overall was very informative.

  10. lhuddleston3 says:

    The information in the audio makes sense and is well laid out but the whiteboard drawing is distraction. It seems that most of the drawing only slightly go with the audio. Good video but it could have been more creative and better laid out.

  11. ybelhseine3 says:

    Great video, intro was a bit long though.

  12. rpuvvada3 says:

    The pictures of the animals were the best part. Really cute.

    However, I think this video could have been a little more interesting… why not delve deeper into more research, rather than just restating what the paper said? Just a thought. 🙂

  13. lbuchanan3 says:

    Nice clear vocals for the video however, I found the frequent changing of the white board size and angling slightly distracting. But overall, good job.

  14. asellers9 says:

    I really enjoyed this video! There was a very good use of visuals, although they did get distracting sometimes from the actual information. Very informative but not overly detailed! Really well done!

  15. hbrar6 says:

    This video was very informative and presented the material in a great way. Writing out the key concepts was helpful keeping track on what was going on. Loved it!

  16. jjohnson396 says:

    You all did a good job of tying this topic in to what we are currently learning in class. I enjoyed this!

  17. zgunnz3 says:

    The introduction was a little long but overall great video. I enjoyed the way you wrote out everything followed with dialogue.

  18. sreginauld3 says:

    The presentation of the information was given in a way that was understandable and very easy to follow.

  19. ccaldwell31 says:

    Your information was good, and you obviously did your research. However, transitions between ideas in the illustrations part of the video need to be smoother, and it would have been nice to hear more than one person talk.

  20. kkinser3 says:

    This was a good presentation, however the timing of some of the slides left information out, and disrupted the flow. Also, I feel like more than one person should have spoken.

  21. lsmith302 says:

    Very informative and well made. It may have been a little more interesting with a more creative approach

  22. cloftus7 says:

    I think this was a good presentation except for when the audio did not match the video. The flow could have bee improved a bit, though overall I believe that all concepts were covered decently. It might have also been a better choice to make more than one person speak.

  23. nwatson9 says:

    Excellent narration. I found this video to be a good example of how to successfully tie together entertainment and education. The information followed a logical order and was clear, great work.

  24. athakur32 says:

    Really clear voice, and the information presented related to the topics in class well. Awesome video!

  25. imarkale3 says:

    The concepts were made clear in the video ad the narrator did a great job of keeping a steady pace when presenting the information.

  26. ralt3 says:

    Liked the narration of the video.

  27. mzanghi3 says:

    Nice summary of information. Narration is a bit fast.

  28. jparikh8 says:

    It was very simple and straight forward. I think the narration was easy to follow and helped me to understand the visuals.

  29. kdhalla3 says:

    Voice over and visuals were very good and helped to convey the information well

  30. slee913 says:

    Very good visuals and calm voice explaining the topic of this video. Good explanations

  31. Gene29Pa says:

    The audio was clear and informational, and the handwriting was a good touch. However, the audio did not match the visuals at times. Overall, good job!

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