Group Members: Brenan Wayland, Samuel Stewart, Rebecca McCord, Alexis Calvert, Chinami Wade, Arielle Myerson
Group Members: Brenan Wayland, Samuel Stewart, Rebecca McCord, Alexis Calvert, Chinami Wade, Arielle Myerson
I like the way you guys wrote and drew out the concepts. Except for some of the parts not matching with the audio for a few moments, you guys did a great job on presenting the topic of species richness which we learned in class with Ancient Egypt.
great summary points and explanations
There were moments where the audio played without continuous visuals but overall you were very informative.
I really liked this video, the narrator’s voice was perfect and the drawing were so great! It was also very easy to follow, good job!
Very interesting video. I thought this project topic was really interesting and the information was really good. The only complaint I have is that the handwriting was a little small at times and hard to read, but the voice-over did a good job.
A graph might have more effectively demonstrates some of the relationships/concepts demonstrated in the video. Otherwise, it was understandable and well organized.
The information was very thorough, but parts of the video seemed to start and stop relative to the narration, which made cut the flow of the overall presentation. Nevertheless, the video was pretty good all things considered.
Interesting Video! Narators voice very clear and easy to follow.
Overall the video got the message across, but at some times it seemed a little abrupt in explaining a concept or a concept’s greater implications.
I personally think the giraffe looked more like a cow. However, the pace was just right for the viewer to get enough time to take in all the information.Very detailed and just awesome, good job.
Someone’s a nice artist, that was really fun to watch. The information and narration were well matched and kept me interested.
The video was good. Some of the audio didn’t match up in certain areas and on occasion what was written on the white board was too small to read.
At times the voiceover did not match the visuals, but the information was well-displayed and easy to follow. I liked how you presented the analogy between what happened in Egypt and what could happen today.
The narrator’s voice was good but it may have been good to include more than one speaker. The drawings were cute although they didn’t always match up with the audio. The handwriting was sometimes difficult to read- you could have also incorporated some actual text to help with that. I liked the drawings and the inclusion of different types of diagrams that you got from other sources.
Some more pictures or drawings could have enhanced the visuals and the introduction was a little long, but you all definitely knew the information well.
Sometimes the lighting caused the lighter colored markers to be hard to read but very good information.
the transitions seemed a little choppy at times. Otherwise, the vide was great. Nice work on the delivery of facts, and creative sketches.
The narrator spoke very well and it was very clear. I thought visuals were helpful, and overall, the video was very informative. The images helped make things more clear.
I really like the visuals in this video. It is simple and easy to be understood. Moreover, the narrator did a good job in explaining the visuals.
I thought you guys did a great job of presenting your ideas and displaying the key concepts and ideas. Sometimes the writing was a bit hard to read and the audio and video didn’t always match, but the actual information given was really good and clear.
The narration was clear and steady, which made it very easy to follow. There were a few glitches in the visual flow of the presentation, but overall this was a very good video!
very simple and straight to the point. learned a lot. Great job!
The narrator’s voice was very clear and presented the information very well. I also really liked the drawings used, especially the giraffe!
key concepts and definitions outlined clearly, and related back to changes in species richness in Egypt. Very nice! Simple and easy to follow
The content on the board is really hard to view because it is too small. The narrator should talk a little louder. The video is interested. Nice job!
The visuals and drawings are great!! the only problem is that some of the writing is hard to see do to reflection of light in the room. Other than that, the presentation of the information was very easy to follow and the topic was very intersting
Good use of visuals; the presentation could be more fluid. However, the single narrator made the video easier to listen to and more consistent which aided in understanding the overall theme of the video.
The narrator and visuals were really good, but showing the writing of something long, like keystone species definition, could have been replaced with something else.
Interesting video and great illustrations! Great job!
I really liked that there was one solid narrator throughout the video who was super clear and easy to understand. Not only that, but the information was presented in a logical, concise manner. However, as others have mentioned, the handwriting was a bit small at some points, and the audio didn’t always have visuals to back it up. But overall, you all did a great job!
Great video, very informative! I also like the ways your group connect your topic with the material learned in class! Great job
This was a great video! It was interesting and thought provoking and I really understood the information presented after watching it. Although the handwriting was not the best for a visual.
I love the format of the writing just make sure it all is lined up
I like the quality of the video, and it is very informative. The only problem I have is that out of the 4 videos I have watched, 3 have been the same drawing format, but that is not a fault of the group itself
I like how you wrote down some of what you were talking about so I did not have to listen to every single detail but instead read the important segments. When the video image froze but the audio continued it was a little distracting but overall great video.
The drawings were nice, and there was a lot of information presented. However, I think the visuals didn’t really help explain the information that well. There were definitely some points where I think more than just a cute picture of an animal or writing out of a phrase was needed.
This video was informative and detailed, but the change from fast writing to a still screen was sometimes jarring and the narrator’s voice was too fast for my taste. The large amount of varied pictures, on the other hand, was well done.
I thought writing the points out was a good way to convey the information. Great video!
This video was great. I could follow the video and explanation about why there are many species in anciant Egypt
I was really interested in your topic and I liked the scattered pictures of ancient Egyptian artwork and pictures of Egypt through your video! The sources were very neat and organized as well.
Interesting Video! It was well made and put together.
The explanations and definitions helped to understand all the information in a well thought out and easy to understand format.
What an interesting topic! Very cool. Great visuals and clear explanations. Well done!
Very nice and colorful video. It was quite informative. The ending was a bit abrupt, but overall it was pretty good.
The drawings were very good and laid out all the notes in a visual and helpful method.
Good job. The narration was concise and informative, and the visuals were interesting.
Very good video. It was like watching a documentary.
The narrator was very engaging and provided a great explanation on the topic that was detailed and supported by images.
The video had god information but the visuals could have just as easily been typed. Diagrams could have been helpful
The pace of the video was excellent. The information was presented well and was easy to understand.