Group 37 Bacteria that use far-red light for photosynthesis

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35 Responses to Group 37 Bacteria that use far-red light for photosynthesis

  1. npittman6 says:

    Structured very well! Lots of info, but you guys presented it in a way that was very easy to understand. Sometimes the audio was tough to hear, though

  2. wsugianto3 says:

    The video covers a lot of materials related to module 3. I really like the pictures that you used in the presentation. However, the sound quality should have been better.

  3. ghadam3 says:

    good information but the setup of the video didn’t keep my attention for long

  4. kmccalley3 says:

    Thanks for mixing it up and doing something different from a lot of the other videos! Lots of information presented, and it was done very clearly.

  5. arussell32 says:

    Really really informative, you could tell everyone understood what they were discussing. It was easy to hear the speakers, even in this format of video.

  6. tdiaz8 says:

    I like your choice of a Powerpoint presentation similar to class lecture. Also the slides are very colorful with a good balance between images and text.

  7. mweaver9 says:

    Speakers were engaging, easy to listen to!

  8. cfares3 says:

    Clear information.

  9. psanghvi7 says:

    An interesting way to present the information. The audio is clear and the video comes together well with the figures. Good video overall.

  10. tmvg3 says:

    Very well done! Easy to understand and follow through the presentation.

  11. tconnors3 says:

    Simple, to the point, and informative. Well done.

  12. achen87 says:

    All the information is communicated very well. The visual aspect could have been made better by choosing a different approach.

  13. wcook31 says:

    Solid video, I liked the continuous flow of it.

  14. gpfundt3 says:

    Great video! I really enjoyed. It very well described the topic information and I feel like i have a good understanding of it. Good visuals too!

  15. nabdulkadir3 says:

    Although the sound quality could have been better, there was a lot of information that was easy to digest by the way that it was presented. Very coherent and well done!

  16. tho9 says:

    The video was detailed and the explanation was very good. I liked how you guys made the pictures easier to see by placing it on the screen without it just being on the powerpoint.

  17. woberg3 says:

    Lots of info in this movie! Good review however it was hard to stay focused the whole time. Overall well presented though!

  18. jhill67 says:

    Your video was very well done and to the point.

  19. nnuthivana3 says:

    I like the visual aspect of the presentation a lot. Very informative video. Good job!

  20. chaynie6 says:

    Clear and concise.

  21. kmartin65 says:

    You did a great job making everything well organized, but the structure quickly became uninteresting

  22. dherszenhaut3 says:

    This video did an amazing job of going over the many aspects of photosynthesis and this more specific far-red light photosynthesis. Unfortunately, some of the words on the PowerPoint were a bit difficult to read due to the lighting in the room and the background color of the slide.

  23. rforloine3 says:

    You had a lot of information and presented it in a new way that most groups didn’t do. It kept your viewer interested.

  24. apatel404 says:

    The video gave out alot of information, however it was kinda boring as there was nothing to keep the watcher interested. The dark background also makes it hard to see the person talking at times and there is some background noise issues with the audio. pretty good nonetheless

  25. vvellanki3 says:

    Creative approach with the power points and describing it that way.

  26. bpatel63 says:

    Lots of information. Try to make the video a little more interesting.

  27. mmiller315 says:

    Great video

  28. ehighfield3 says:

    The format was different and well done!

  29. arathor3 says:

    I liked the choice of using powerpoint as your format. The video as a whole was very engaging.

  30. sreginauld3 says:

    The information was nicely presented and the additional information provided helped intertwine many of the concepts making it easy to understand.

  31. gmathew6 says:

    Lots of information. Very good and engaging.

  32. mpzd3 says:

    Good info and narration, very clear. I would have liked to see the speaker’s face, though! But very personable. Good job.

  33. btrugman3 says:


  34. jbrown375 says:

    Very nice presentation. I had some trouble with the format, but it was overall cleanly done. Group effort was visible, and you all made your points very clear. 9/10!

  35. kshi31 says:


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