Here we explore a study conducted by Cole and Endler at Deakin University researching the influence of light environment and female receptivity on male courtship decisions.
By: Alice Robang, Andrew Matson, Jacqueline Baidoo, & Krishna Parikh
Additional References:
A.E. Rasa, C. Vogel, E. Voland (Eds.), The Sociobiology of Sexual and Reproductive Strategies, Chapman and Hall, London (1989), pp. 147–169
Cole, G. L., & Endler, J. A. (2016, September). Male courtship decisions are influenced by light environment and female receptivity. In Proc. R. Soc. B (Vol. 283, No. 1839, p. 20160861)
Gamble S, Lindholm AK, Endler JA, Brooks R. 2003 Environmental variation and the maintenance of polymorphism: the effect of ambient light spectrum on mating behaviour and sexual selection in guppies. Ecol. Lett. 6, 463– 472. (doi:10.1046/j. 1461-0248.2003.00449.x)
Guppy Male or Female. Digital image. Identifying between a Male and Female. Guppy Aquarium, 27 Dec. 2015. Web. 6 Nov. 2016.
I liked how you added interesting background information of the study and scientists. The procedure process was very clear for me to understand too. Perhaps editing the video to increase the volume of the speaker; it is a little difficult to hear him. Overall, great video!
I really enjoyed the beginning of your video with the two dogs. That was entertaining and it made me want to keep watching. Nice job!
This video was done very well. It makes sense and is easy for the viewer to understand. Well done!
This is a really interesting video, great idea to keep the viewers interest.
The drawings at the beginning were especially cute and a good introduction! The seamless transition of the images and the single narrator minimized visual and audio distractions well. The relation of guppy courtship behavior to that of humans makes the topic more relatable as well. Good job!
The introduction was creative and engaging. This was a very informative video overall although it was sometimes hard to hear the speaker, but the subtitles help.
The video was easy to understand and the illustrations and data shown and used helped the viewer to follow the experiments conducted by the researchers. The speaker was clearly understood and the big picture described at the end of the video really explained what implications this experiment had.
The connection to lab is obvious when you talk about the statistical significance. I love the connections to the course material. It’s really good!
I enjoyed the video. The analogy with dogs was fascinating.
The editing was done well and the ideas presented were clear and to the point.
The visuals were nice and the data given was explained thoroughly and effectively. Background music would have made this video more engaging, but the information given was really interesting so this did not really deter away from the effectiveness of this video. It is also interesting to now realize how much decision goes into male guppy courtships. It was a wonderful video in general.
Nice video w/ animations. The ‘pictures’ weren’t distracting and fit really well with the content. Figures were really well done (the bar graph was nice and simple and easy to understand).
I loved the visuals and how they were clear and easy to follow along with the audio. The experiment was explained well, covering everything including background information.
I loved this video and experiment! The speech was timed perfectly and very easy to understand. I also really enjoyed all the graphics used in the video. They did go a little over the time limit, but I was actively listening to all the information and thought that all the information mentioned was necessary for the viewer to hear. I also enjoyed all the points you highlighted at the end of the video that explained the significance of the results.
I really liked the video. The audio was clear and you spoke at an even pace. I did want there to be more movement to make the video slightly more entertaining, but with that being said, the video was very good and it was obvious effort was put into it. Great job you guys!
I really like the combination of the drawings and cutouts! The animation and lists also made the demonstration very interesting and understandable. Great job!
I really enjoyed the visuals used and found the video interesting and entertaining.
Nice commentary, but I might have used more visuals to help convey the information visually as well as orally. The fish models were a nice touch and addressing the “big picture” at the end concluded the video well.
The presentation of the material was very interesting and unique. I thought the information was displayed well, but I wish you defined some of the words you had mentioned in your commentary. Overall though, good job!
This video was really well done and showed clear thought. I liked the dogs at the beginning and the images of the fish used throughout the video. The information was well explained and I liked how you related it to human courtship behavior. Good job!
Some relevant terms were defined, and the video was informative. I liked the connection to the dogs. Overall, great video.
This is the most clear and perfect speed audio. I really enjoyed the clarity the video presents.
I really liked how detailed and informative the visuals were in this video. The narrative was clear and easy to follow. Good job!
The words were articulated clearly and at an understandable pace. I also like how the guppy characters were used throughout the video. It added some light-heartedness to the video. The information was clear and easy to understand.
The video was easy to follow and the visuals accompanied the material being presented.
Nice job. I really liked and enjoyed the video. I found the material very interesting and the drawings are just great. They really help to understand the topic.
Quite well-done- I liked how this paper was related to the literature on the field.
This video was very easy to understand, especially with so many ties to topics that we covered in lecture and in lab. The analogy to the dogs was cute and the summary at the end of the video helped tie everything about sexual selection covered in this paper together.
Super cute video! I like the set up and the audio was good. The experiment was clearly explained and the study’s experimental change in water color to determine sexual selection based on colors was fascinating. Cool experiment and great job on the video.
The illustrations connected well to the information, and made things easier to understand. The audio was well paced and clear. The results were well presented and explained. Great video
The narration was well paced and easy to follow. The illustrations went very well with the voice over and made it easier to understand the topics being discussed. Overall the video was well done.
Nice drawings and images. I liked how you used to the fish to show how the fish could actually, potentially interact. Information of topic was clear and easy to follow. Very informative video!
You really broke the material down in a clear way. I liked the simple drawings which gave me an idea of what these fish looked like. You did a good job explaining everything in a very simple way while still making it interesting.
This video was very good! I was able to follow along very easily; the speed and volume of the audio and the timing of the pictures was perfect. I was very entertained with the comparison to the dogs. Information was very well organized.
Interesting video! The dogs at the beginning of the video was a good example. And the rest of the video was clear and easy to understand.
The drawings, especially the different colors, were very clear and made the video easy to follow. They brought the video to life. I thought the introduction and conclusion with the dogs made the video interesting and did a good job connecting it to what we are learning in class.
The pictures were super cute and engaging! The audio was clear and easy to understand. Overall, the information was presented in such a way that made it very easy to understand while still being engaging.
Very cute video guys! Very clear audio – nice! The information was easy to understand in your video and I could understand the speakers perfectly. Well done.
This video was very easy to follow along with. Great job explaining the terminology used and the experimental design and what it was aiming to achieve. The figures used were referenced and described adequately which was an important part in actually understand what was found in this study and how it applies to what we’ve learned in class.
Very well done video! I liked how you used actual pictures of the fish to show what they actually looked like so it was easier for us to imagine why clear lighting would be the lighting of choice.
I feel like the video told all the relevant information in a short and concise way. This was interesting and informative.
This video was one of the best I have watched so far. It was not because of the fantastic graphics so much as it was for the simplicity of the drawings and how easy the experiment was to understand having looked at them. The information was well organized. Great job!
I like that you presented the questions you would answer before beginning your explanation of the experiment! That was a good way to relate the information to what we learned in class. Your visuals were really good, and your explanation was clear and easily understood. Great job!
The simple drawings and animations made it very easy for me to understand what was going on in the video. The audio is also crisp and clear.
The methods section was very clearly explained, making the results easier to understand. This was one of the easiest videos to follow along with, and I feel like I have a good understanding of the research. The narration was also a perfect pace and easy to understand.
The video was very entertaining, especially the dog drawings at the beginning. It was very easy to understand and follow the concepts with how you explained them.
Great visuals and creative use of props. The visuals were also very clear and easy to understand. In combination with the audio the video did a great job of presenting the information clearly and making the topics easy to understand.
Overall, this is a great video and I especially enjoyed the use of color and cute guppy images to present the information in a way that was simple and easy to understand and tying in the research to human behavior made it very interesting! The sound could have been better but did not take away greatly from the video.
Everything was very easy to understand with all the visuals and organized explanation. The video was very engaging and clear. I really liked how you explained how this relates to the materials we learned in class. The timing of the audio and video was very good; great job on editing! Overall, I thought this video was very well done.
The narration was very clear and made understanding of the video very easy.
I don’t exactly understand what a “recent virgin” means. Why are they not just virgins? Otherwise the video is understandable and clear, and the visuals are helpful.