Group 9: The Effects of Irisin on Browning and Adipogenesis


“Biology 1510 Biological Principles.” Biology 1510 Biological Principles. Web. 30 Oct. 2016.

Kimball, John W. “Adipose Tissue.” Adipose Tissue. Web. 30 Oct. 2016.

Parry, Nicola. “Don’t See Red! Use Oil Red O- A Histological Stain For Fats And Lipids. – Bitesize Bio.” Bitesize Bio Dont See Red Use Oil Red O A Histological Stain For Fats And Lipids Comments. Bitesize Bio, 21 May 2013. Web. 30 Oct. 2016.

Zhang Y, Xie C, Wang H, Foss RM, Clare M, George EV, Li S, Katz A, Cheng H, Ding Y, Tang D, Reeves WH, Yang LJ. 2016. “Irisin exerts dual effect on browning and adipogenesis of human white adipocytes” American Journal of Physiology 311: E530-E541.

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70 Responses to Group 9: The Effects of Irisin on Browning and Adipogenesis

  1. Whitehead Jarah says:

    Awesome job! I really like how you guys made this video relatable (e.g. eating pizza at 2 am). The drawings were also really cute.

  2. Calhoun Ciandra says:

    The illustrations definitely made the video for me. The video as a whole was very informative and with the compilation of voiceover and images, I was able to easily comprehend the big idea and the experiment that was conducted. The images not only correlated with what was being said, but they also helped with comprehension of technical terms related to Irisin impact on Browning and Adipogenesis.

  3. Elisabet Ruiz-Torres says:

    The speaker of the video is clearly understood. The illustrations of the video were directly correlated to what was being said; thus, making the information more clearly understood. I was able to follow the research conducted and the big picture of the experiment.

  4. Nava Eduardo says:

    I loved the markers you guys used!

  5. lwilson64 says:

    Nice job making the video easy to follow along. Both visuals and audio were well put together, and connections to what we are doing in class were clear and helpful.

  6. Kumar Gayathri says:

    This is great video because its so engaging and you make it to relate to us! And also, it’s a wonderful way to motivate people to exercise. Your drawings are really nice and go well with the flow of information.

  7. Olaniran Peace says:

    The video was great and the information was informative and relatable. The visuals and audio were easy to follow and the structure of this video was put together really well.

  8. Adithi Anil says:

    I like that the video aims to make the material covered simpler to understand and easier to understand. The drawings were clear and helpful as well.

  9. Koo Jun says:

    Great video! The pacing is great and the drawings are synced to your explanations which made easier to understand what was being said. Does this mean that if your inject irisin before working out, you’ll be able to burn a lot more fat cells than if you hadn’t?

  10. Bakare Oladipo says:

    The “live” drawing of the images made the video captivating. The narrator’s voice was clear and easy to follow. Good job!

  11. Xie Jingwei says:

    The drawings are fun and informative! The way the topic is explained is very easy to understand and relatable and I really appreciate how you relate it back to the course topics at the end.

  12. Harris Sarah says:

    I thought it was done very well and it definitely looked like a lot of effort was put into it! My only critique is that i wished you paused on the figures longer so that I could really look at them and understand what they were showing. But i feel that you all did a really good job of explaining the experiment in a way that is easier to understand. The pictures were also very cute! Great job!

  13. Anum Ul-Haque says:

    The video was really engaging, and the drawings were really cute! I loved seeing you draw the figures and pictures as the audio was going, as it made the overall video more engaging. Awesome job!

  14. Phillips Haley says:

    I loved the visuals and formatting of the video. It was entertaining and informative and I enjoyed the relation to our lives that made it more interesting to watch.

  15. Wilson Isaiah says:

    I appreciate the background information about fat cells and the browning process as is it very important for understanding the experiment. The explanation of the experiment was in depth and comprehensive, leaving little room for misinterprettion .Visuals did well to compliment the information presented.

  16. Milburn Emily says:

    I loved the illustrations your group did to go along with what the narrator was saying. The audio was clear and could be understood perfectly. This was a very informative and entertaining video! Great job!!

  17. Broderick Kirby says:

    Great visuals! You also paced the information really well.

  18. Filmer Andres says:

    The drawings were well made and made the concepts easier to understand. The narrators put good inflection to keep the video interesting. I was lost at some parts but overall it was a great video.

  19. Qin Nina says:

    The information was so well formatted and presented. I was able to understand everything in one play. The drawings were very welled drawn and helped me understand the material and study better.

  20. Kaparos Efiyenia says:

    The visuals were super clear and very well drawn. Using different colors helped emphasize the important topics brought up in the video. Some visuals were sped up faster than others, so it was hard to follow at times. Other than that, the video was very thorough and easy to understand.

  21. Bentata Benezry says:

    Great video, nice figures! Everything is really clear and easy to follow. I think you guys did a great job!

  22. Grande Guillermo says:

    The narrator of the video was very clear and conveyed the information in an effective manner. The illustrations were also great and well timed with the narration, making it easier to digest the information as a whole. If I could change anything in the video, it would be to stabalize the camera shot a bit more, as the movement of the frames was a bit distracting a times. Great job overall!

  23. Warren Tyler says:

    Excellent job with this video! The drawings were well done and helped convey the information. The connections to material covered in class were strong. Good connections to real world applications. The narration was clear, but very fast. I had trouble keeping up with everything being said. Regardless, plenty of info was conveyed by this video. Good job!

  24. Ferguson David says:

    The video was very informative and enjoyable. The overall conceptual and methodical aspects were explained adequately through the use of the drawings. The research methods and results were presented well.

  25. Mohammad Awan says:

    The video was nice. I liked the simpler explanations that were provided and how the video was overall quite engaging. I think overall It was nice, and maybe improve the aesthetics a little. Good Job.

  26. Kim Samuel says:

    I really liked your use of the beginning of the video to explain concepts important to understanding the experiment itself. The presentation of the information was easily understandable, and the figures were extremely well drawn. The small shakiness of the video didn’t detract at all from the overall quality.

  27. Newville Grace says:

    Best video I’ve watched thus far! Not only was the speaker engaging, but the visual aspects were perfect for depicting the information. This topic contains a lot of confusing words, but the speaker made sure to define any new words that were going to be talked about which made it way easier to follow along.

  28. Punyarthi Sayali says:

    Relates it back to college students well. The conclusion helped bring everything together and explained the importance well.

  29. Kouba Amelie says:

    I love how you refer to “college students” – have a target audience. Drawings were really clear and helpful. The speed of the voice was really good and the voice over was very clear. Good job!

  30. Smith Jaeiza says:

    I think that the video was cute that explained all the information clearly. I think the graph really enhanced the video.

  31. Taylor Sydney says:

    Your background information was detailed enough to make the information easy to understand. Your explanations were thorough and well-worded. Good job!

  32. Reynolds Kirsten says:

    The script and voiceover was informative as well as relatable! The information was presented in a clear and concise manner, and the drawings only helped! (Also, the analysis of the data and the concept of “western blotting” were very interesting!) I also appreciated the direct reference to previous modules covered in this course. The figures and results were clear, and the video was interesting and informative overall. I can easily see this video being used as an example in the future. 10/10, and well done!

  33. Arpinar Omer says:

    The drawings were very easy to understand and were related to the topics being explained. The ideas behind the experiment were easily understood. Great video!!

  34. Guilherme Pinto says:

    The audio was really good and the visuals helped me understand the content. I really like the way the video was structured and formatted. Great Job!

  35. Bhayana Shivika says:

    My group also did this topic so it was interesting to see how you guys presented the material. The visuals were clear and easy to follow. And you also explained the topic well which I know is hard to do with this article. Good Job!

  36. Anderson Eric says:

    The drawings were very well done. They were also interesting, relevant, and helpful in explaining the ideas. The script was slow enough were I could keep up with understanding the topics, and showed how the findings were relevant to me personally. Cool!

  37. Umair Alvi says:

    The visuals made your video entertaining without distracting from the information which I really appreciate. However, I do wish you guys would have come up with an original and creative to tackle the video!

  38. McKean Thomas says:

    The video was very engaging – the speaker was clear and the drawings were relevant. Good work!

  39. Green Madison says:

    I really liked the simplicity of this video it made the information really clear and easy to understand. I also enjoyed the humor in the video.

  40. Lin Min says:

    The video was fantastic; not only was the visuals super engaging but the information given was very easy to understand; the best video I have seen so far. Awesome job!

  41. Leal Antonio says:

    Great video! The sound quality was great and the way the information was portrayed through the script was very easy to understand. Also, the drawings made the video engaging and fun.

  42. Trout Robert says:

    The visuals were incredible. Very easy to follow and it made the experiment easy to understand. Well done!

  43. Kulkarni Amrut says:

    Interesting video; as someone with weight issues, I hope this research starts producing results soon! However, in regards to the video’s quality, the camera shake could make some viewers nauseous.

  44. Mount Conner says:

    A great video! My only issue was that the camera shaking was distracting, but the explanation was very clear and the drawings were fantastic! Good job!

  45. Kayastha Ayush says:

    This video caught my attention because it’s always nice to know more about how to burn calories. The narration was spot on with clarity and pace. The drawings that followed the narration were also well done. The information itself was interesting to hear. The only problem was the shaking of the camera during the video.

  46. Likes Taisha says:

    This was a very engaging video. I liked your visuals. They represented your narration very well and were well done.

  47. vjohn6 says:

    Good video that explained the topic well and made it easy for college students to relate. Nice, clear-cut visuals.

  48. Johnston Gregory says:

    The visuals and steady pacing made this video really engaging, great job!

  49. Jones Dillon says:

    Well done. The visuals went well and I liked how you tried to connect it to viewers’ lives
    (2 AM pizza) :). Easy to understand and interesting.

  50. Patel Parth says:

    I loved this video because it was very enjoyable and memorable. The content was clear and presented in an understandable fashion. I loved pizza at 2am. Overall great video!

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