Pigeon Hierarchy Experiment–Group 4


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67 Responses to Pigeon Hierarchy Experiment–Group 4

  1. Muthuchamy Tarun says:

    Great video! Topic was kind’ve confusing but y’all did a great job explaining your article. Also, your visuals were great and I could tell you guys put a lot of effort in them. Overall, I felt like I learned a lot and I thought that the bird noises in the background were a nice touch!

  2. Patel Parth says:

    The visuals and narration were easy to follow. You guys made the pigeon flight fun and easy to understand. This video was clear and fun to watch. Good job

  3. Bullock Kate says:

    I liked the visuals; the use of hand writing the information was very creative. Although I thought some of the information could have been better explained, or put into more understandable language. For example what exactly is “clock shifting”.

  4. Mary Carolyn Hulgan says:

    Awesome job! The illustrations were neat, on topic, and helpful to understand the material. The topics in the video could have been better connected to things we learned in class, but otherwise it was very well done.

  5. Irondi Ogechi says:

    This was a job well done. Only thing I would recommend would be to explain clock shifting in more detail and prior to everything else.

  6. Ali Shan says:

    The video was well put together, but I wish you explained why the clock shifting mattered. The video could have also been more engaging. Visuals and audio were great! It was quite easy to follow overall!

  7. Kenya Jones says:

    This video was very informative and they did a good job of explaining the experiment and the results. They did a good job of making the video more comprehensible.

  8. Jackson Kierston says:

    Thee information included was great an easy to understand. The quality of the video and audio sometimes took away from the voice overs because it was hard to see some of the figures to link them to the information that you were talking about

  9. Garg Pallavi says:

    The video presented the experiment well and tied it back to the ecology notes we learned in class. The animation was very clean and simple and got the points across effectively.

  10. Sewall Christian says:

    While simple, the audio didn’t really engage me and the connections to the class were a little bit loose at best

  11. smortley3 says:

    This video does a great job of explaining the experimental design of the researchers in a simple way, but it could have been more detailed and informative.

  12. Okudoh Victoria says:

    Nice visuals, though very simple.

  13. Crane-Moscowitz Kenneth says:

    I really liked the pigeon flight visuals. I found it a little confusing that you mentioned clock shifting before you described what it was. Also I think the bits where you are just talking at the camera are a little boring since they do not really have any accompanying visual

  14. Park Cassie says:

    I really enjoyed the visuals as they properly explained the content of the video. I thought the background bird noises were clever initially but eventually distracting as it was four straight minutes of bird noises. The content was mostly thorough; it provided nice connections to the modules and clear descriptions of the experiment and results.

  15. Parikh Krishna says:

    Although the visuals used in this video are very simple, it does a great job of getting the information across in a clear and concise manner.

  16. Perry Timothy says:

    One critique would be the audio, it is a bit jarring. The music however was relaxing. All in all, well done.

  17. Popovici David says:

    Nice audio effects. Birds are cool animals. 5/5

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