Group 10: Telomere length is reflected by plumage coloration and predicts seasonal reproductive success for the barn swallow

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71 Responses to Group 10: Telomere length is reflected by plumage coloration and predicts seasonal reproductive success for the barn swallow

  1. Hayden says:

    The link between the study and what we learned in class with positive assertive mating is clearly discussed. It does make sense that the birds with the best plumage will attract more birds (positive assertive) and thus have a greater reproductive fitness.

  2. Ellen says:

    The background covering what a telomere is and how it relates to class is very clear.

  3. Nicole says:

    You clearly understand your topic, and your presentation was very in depth, which I respect. A deep knowledge of the topic is presented.

  4. Will says:

    I like how you connected it with what we learned in class, although I would’ve appreciated if the graph was discussed in more detail.

  5. Harrison says:

    Overall, I did enjoy the video. However, I would say the audio quality at the beginning of the video was relatively lacking. But public speaking is challenging, and you guys nailed the materials and concepts of your article.

  6. Reagan says:

    You all did a stellar job of clearly relating the information in your study to concepts we’ve studied in class. I especially liked the survivorship curve. The visuals and audio were great and kept me engaged!

  7. David says:

    This group looks like it took a lot of time to make a really visually appealing video. The information was related to class really well.

  8. Lauren says:

    I would of liked a more clearer audio as it made it difficult to follow the fast moving video and the audio together. Overall, the video was very informative and I thought the video was very impressive!

  9. Kayla says:

    I looked like your group put in a lot of effort into this project. It was sort of hard to understand the person talking at the beginning. But overall good job.

  10. Andrew says:

    The voiceover was a bit monotone, but you have very well-done visuals.

  11. Patrick says:

    The level to which the telomeres were described and explained show that you all put a lot of effort in and definitely know what you are talking about, great job. In addition, the visuals are very well done.

  12. Dorothea says:

    Your images are great! Although, the voiceover isn’t very engaging so it’s hard to maintain focus.

  13. Hannah says:

    I really like the animations in your video, it looks very professional. Overall, you did a great job with summarizing the article and giving it an in-depth analysis.

  14. Victoria says:

    It’s interesting that the length of a telomere would increase fitness. Great video overall.

  15. Savannah says:

    I really liked how much this group related the research to concepts discussed in bio 1510. Best connections I’ve seen thus far.

  16. Ian says:

    The connections to the modules that we have covered so far helped a lot with the understanding of the topic as it helped me recall what we have learned and connect it to what you were explaining.

  17. Elizabeth says:

    You clearly understand the concept and i love how the video connects the dots with other things we have learned in the class. also impressive visuals

  18. Sara says:

    The information was well presented and displayed extensive depth of knowledge. It has very clear connections to bio 1510. However, the beginning was a little hard to hear.

  19. Anthony says:

    Very good visuals and transitions from picture to picture/fact to fact.

  20. Woohyun says:

    The voiceover’s tone was a little wooden. The audio was also a little too low. But the visuals were great!

  21. Kevin says:

    The video was really well put together. It contained tons of relatable information to our course work making it easier to understand the topic.

  22. Vivi says:

    I like the video a lot. The visuals was very informative and helped me process the information.

  23. Hannah says:

    This video is visually pleasing. You guys have a lot of information, but it was well explained.

  24. Yifan says:

    The visuals were very fluid and went with the video well. I really liked how you presented the background information

  25. Cristina says:

    The computer-generated images were very well-organized and creative. The video almost looked like a Prezi presentation, which is very conducive to demonstrating a chronological experimental process. The maps and written variables of the study furthered comprehension of the research paper, and the replicated graphs were very neat and easy to understand.

  26. Austin says:

    Visuals made it easier to understand what was being explained

  27. Maxwell says:

    The audio quality at the beginning made it difficult to comprehend the topic. However, the visuals that were used were interesting and dynamic

  28. Elizabeth says:

    I think my group did a good job on this video!

  29. Sohyun Kwag says:

    The voiceover makes it a bit hard to understand but I really like the pictures! It’s very clear and has all the information.

  30. Christopher says:

    Visuals were effective and helpful with understanding the topic. The narrator was slightly monotone, but the information was well explained and conveyed.

  31. Darrell says:

    The visuals and animations were really well done; the video looked really appealing. You also did a good job tying in content from class, and the information was explained well. The narration was a little monotone.

  32. Ayesha says:

    This video is very well made and one of the most original videos I have seen. The connections that were made to the class and its concept were also done in a very easy to understand way. Very well done overall!

  33. Juhee says:

    The visuals are very engaging! The voiceovers were clear and easy to understand the material.

  34. Helly says:

    Good job in connecting the experiment to modules 2 and 4! Also the video was narrated nicely with the images.

  35. Leighann says:

    The background and study was explained very well. The visuals helped me stay engaged and develop a better understanding. The visuals are also very clear.

  36. Tarab says:

    Visuals made the information clear and easy to understand

  37. Samantha says:

    The visuals of the video were very nicely done. It is also obvious that the group understands the content. My only critique is that sometimes the voice overs sound dull.

  38. Sophia says:

    The part about the fitness costs and benefits of telomere length was very interesting to me. The ending (I thought) was especially good and wrapped up the entire video in a succinct and clean way.

  39. Joshua says:

    Incredible job with all the animations; they kept the video very visually engaging.

  40. Lauren says:

    The video was overall very well done. The voiceovers could be hard to understand at times, but the clear images and animations cleared up any confusion.

  41. Lauren says:

    The video was overall well done. The voiceovers could be hard to understand at times, but the clear images and animations cleared up any confusion.

  42. Nicholas says:

    The visuals were great and the information was presented in an easily understandable way! Although the audio quality was not the best, the speakers definitely sounded like they knew the topic well! Well done!

  43. Kristine says:

    I like how you started off immediately connecting it to our Module 2 (and eventually Module 4). This along with defining specific terms that people might not know helped make the study more clear. Also, those visuals were A1, especially the graphs.

  44. Bencao says:

    I loved the video. It has really great visuals. great work!

  45. Marianna says:

    The video was very well explained, great graphics.

  46. Robert says:

    Great explanation of the material! There were a few points where the closed captions had errors, but that didn’t take away from the video. It was a little long though.

  47. Kendall says:

    I loved how interactive the video was. There was always something to look at that related to the topic that the speaker was mentioning. In addition, they did a very good job relating their project to the Biology 1510 topics.

  48. Elena says:

    Loved the visuals!! It helped keep the audience engaged. I also liked how you tied it into the class.

  49. Daniel says:

    Thorough presentation, and good links to in-class materials.

  50. Mary Claire says:

    I LOVE your images–they were so clear and so interesting to follow–I also really like how you related your video back to the modules in class as a reference.

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