Group 35: Selective Targeting of the Warburg Effect through GAPDH Inhibition

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57 Responses to Group 35: Selective Targeting of the Warburg Effect through GAPDH Inhibition

  1. William says:

    The pictures and animations are very high quality. The information is easy to understand, and the change in narration is a nice touch to keep people interested.

  2. Kharina says:

    I really enjoyed your video great job on the visuals. I could follow your topic throughout the video. Great job.

  3. Mark says:

    The speakers were very informative, and the figures were excellent. The only issue is that the video lacks any color.

  4. Gilberto says:

    The video got kind of dull at times, as there was a lot of information to be presented. However, the video does a good job of communicating this information precisely, so no complaints there

  5. Naqiya says:

    The video was a little lengthy, however, the visuals used were great and the information was portrayed in a simple way which was great for understanding! I also enjoyed the format of your video. Great job!

  6. Riley says:

    The graphics were informative, and animation was used effectively.

  7. Anna says:

    Visuals portray the data very well and the flow chart helped me understand the information more easily

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