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Cognitive Flexibility in Bumble Bees, Group 4
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The video was very easy to follow, and the explanation of the research on bumblebees was very thorough. The visuals were used in a very engaging and effective manner.
I accidentally gave this video a rating of 1 and meant to give it a rating of 4
This video has excellent visuals, and I think the use of the model bees to demonstrate what kind of training each group received was helpful.
Great video!! A great way to illustrate the subject!!
The experiment was explained very well and the video was easy to follow. Some parts were a little quiet though and I found watching you draw the images to be a bit distracting.
You guys did a very good job explaining the experiment and I really liked the model with the paper bees. You did not relate the video to information from the class too much though.
This is very well done and a very good illustration!
Great job with experiment detail visual! Loved it
Very creative, and great job explaining the results of the paper.
The video was very well done and the creative visuals made the video pretty enjoyable and easy to understand.
Visuals were well done and helped to illustrate experiment. The discrepancy in audio quality was a little distracting though.
I liked the use of the paper bees to demonstrate the experimental design. That made the experiment much easier to understand. I also think that the content of the report was explained very well.
Good visualizations!
I think the illustrations used were really effective! However, as mentioned previously, I think tying some of the concepts you discussed back to lecture topics would’ve helped clarify the experiment a little more.
The visualization on the board seems pretty nice and the flow of the presentation sounds very smooth. Great Work!
Very nice illustration and clear voices. It was entertaining while still being informational.
I enjoyed having the bar graph in the video, helped illustrate the information.
The visuals were really coll and definitely helped in explaining the experiment and its results.
The video is very clear and easy to follow. The neatness of the visuals augments it extremely well, and the variety of types of visuals does a good job keeping the audience interested. Only improvement would be maybe speaking a little a faster.
Great job! The visuals used made it very engaging!
Really liked the visuals for experiment details! Great way to demonstrate how they were trained.
Loved the modeling of the bees with the tissue paper or whatever it was! It was a super cute creative idea that I wouldn’t have thought of. Great job explaining the content and illustrating the main ideas of the article. Awesome job!
I liked the demonstration of the experiments with the bees. It made it easier to understand the different methods. The only thing I would have fixed was that some of the audio became really quiet at times.
The information is good and the visuals are effective. However, the narrators can be very quiet and hard to understand.
The visuals were very creative. I doubt I would have understand the experiment without it, so they were successful. Good job
The pace of the video made it easy to follow, and the drawings made sense!
This video was awesome! The visuals were used very well and supported the video nicely.
I think the video overall was very well done! My only complaint was that while I enjoyed the visuals, they were also distracting. Especially in the beginning, some of the visuals were repetitive, could have been removed, allowing other drawings to be slowed down.
The demonstration was very well done and helped to explain the concepts a lot. Very impressive!
I enjoyed the use of the model bees to help explain the subject!
I really like your bumble bees, it’s different and makes the video more engaging.
The bee visuals were so cute! You guys really made the experiment “come to life” and be super engaging. Great job!
The model of the bees doing the experiment was really cool! Great job with describing how the experiment was conducted!
The video was overall well done. The research was presented in an understandable way. However, at some points in the video, the visual explanation hindered the understanding instead of helping.
The video did a good job of explaining the research in a clear way. I also liked the variation in visuals.
Awesome visuals! Very engaging!
Great job explaining the experiment! The audio was nice and clear and it was easy to follow exactly what the procedures of you’re experiment were. Also, I really enjoyed the bee models you all made.
Your model bees were hilarious, and they really helped bring the experiment to life! Awesome job, you guys.