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Group 14: Pollution of Estuaries with Antibiotic Resistance Genes
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Good job making a thorough, easy to follow video. You did a nice job making the paper easy to und3rstand.
Clear and concise, creative presentation
Great video! I liked how you all brought concepts that we have discussed in class into your video.
Good explanations.
The video was clear and concise and explained the concepts well. Watching you draw the images was a bit distracting though.
Video was comfortable and easy to follow. I really enjoyed having the background music too, though it was slightly distracting
good job including graph. Ditto to what Rian said about the music it was a nice touch but didn’t blend with the flow of the audio
I like how y’all wrote out not only pictures, but also key words on the board. However, I do think that it was a little distracting having y’all actually in the frame of the video. Also, the music was a bit distracting, but maybe that’s just because I have the attention span of a rock (idk). Overall awesome job though! Y’all made it super easy to understand and did a good job at explaining the article and tying it back into Bio 1510! Nice job!
I like that the recordings for the video are very clear. You did a good job of explaining the concepts with corresponding pictures and key words.
The music is a little distracting, but I think you did a good of relaying the information clearly, and took the time to define terms that you used.
I am so impressed with how well your visuals lined up with your audio recording. I know from experience with my group how hard this can be so great job!
very coherent and visuals line up well. I would suggest not having the background music.
Good job making a video that was very easy to understand. Also, good job making lots of connection to the class content!
Good job on explaining the role of natural selection and good job on tying it back to a practical “big picture” at the end.
The video was very easy follow and kept me engaged. And the images lined up very well with each topic that was spoken of. Also the voice was very coherent and clear, and allowed the audience to understand each word that was said. I think you did an amazing job converting the overall topic and connecting that to different subjects that have been discussed in class
I finished watching this and definitely felt like I understood the concepts of the paper you guys discussed. It was very easy to follow and your audio and drawings look good too.
The video was good in the fact that it was hand written rather than computer generated. This made it easier to relate.
Clear and concise explanations that explained the material. I liked how you had a lot of visuals; they were definitely beneficial when explaining the complicated sections. Overall very well done.
You did a great job of explaining key terms and concepts and having your narration line up with your visuals, but your music was kind of distracting…
I thought that you explained the topics really well. I think that the music was kind of distracting and sometimes the visuals were cut off in the frame.
I really liked your video; it really exemplified clarity in thought and your execution. I particularly liked how you drew both words and questions like “How does AR develop?” and answered them verbally as well as on the board. It was really helpful in understanding the big picture!
The audio was a bit distracting, but overall well done! I thought you did a great job of tying in concepts we learned in class.
The video is well explained and easy to follow. It might have been better without the background music.
I think the use of the white board was clever! The visuals were well presented and appealing. The audio is slightly distracting but overall this is a great video.
Good visual style and good explanations!
The visuals were really good, and the narration flowed with them; however, the background music was a bit distracting.
Very informative video, great and concise illustration and narration.
Really liked all of the real-world considerations you addressed in this video.
this video did a good job of connecting the research to the topics being studied in class
great way to incorporate class topics into your video. I also liked how the drawings and explanations were fairly straightforward and not difficult to receive. Nice job
Learned a lot more information about antibiotic resistance genes. Tying it into the class made it better to see the relevance.
I really like the data presented on the graph as well as the overall structure of the video. Very informative.
Great graphs!