“New Form of Plant Communication” Group 42 Module 4


“New Form of Plant Communication” Group 42, Module 4

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31 Responses to “New Form of Plant Communication” Group 42 Module 4

  1. cwade32 says:

    The video was very shaky.. But the narration was good and easy to comprehend.

  2. ttsung3 says:

    This video was packed full of information that I didn’t know about

  3. jpewitt3 says:

    The video conveyed information well, but you may have spent too much time on intro / outro.

  4. sbasta3 says:

    I liked the drawings and voiceovers!

  5. klanthier3 says:

    your drawing helped me understand it so much better

  6. eferrando3 says:

    The inclusion of the white board drawings, diagrams and words really compliment the narration in explaining the parasite well. It is easy to follow and ensures that all of the information is clearly presented.

  7. cfares3 says:

    Good job!

  8. esims7 says:

    This video has interesting content and is easy to understand. Good job guys!

  9. sswitzer3 says:

    Good job! Very clear video and well paced audio. Lots of interesting information.

  10. aeze3 says:

    Your visuals were well drawn and helped in presenting your topic.

  11. dherszenhaut3 says:

    The video explained the scientific experiment in great detail. The drawings were well done!

  12. apeters35 says:

    I thought the speaking was very good throughout the video. The visuals were very helpful in understanding the material being presented.

  13. mbarroso3 says:

    I thought that the content of this video was good. They also provided visuals that aided the information. I think that the video could have been a little more well made.

  14. kahluwalia3 says:

    The information was good, but the camera work needs a lot of work.

  15. kdhalla3 says:

    Information was good and was covered well but the camera work was a little sloppy

  16. lbarre3 says:

    Good job the recording job was distracting though

  17. jpopp7 says:

    The drawings were really well done and the narration was informative. Great job!

  18. amorris45 says:

    Informative, and very easy to understand. Good drawings! Only suggestion would be to utilize a tripod next time.

  19. jjallorina3 says:

    Great video! The whiteboard illustrations really helped me visualize concepts.

  20. yyang418 says:

    I thought the visuals were a little off with what was being spoken but overall nice work!

  21. kdoughty7 says:

    Nice presentation with good information.

  22. mmosgrove6 says:

    Good content and use of white board presentation.

  23. dkssud says:

    Nice recording and drawing! Easy to understand the concepts!

  24. hgreenwald3 says:

    good job explaining so much so clearly in a short, little video

  25. mchandler30 says:

    way to get the information across!

  26. kchan45 says:

    Good amount of information covered, camera was shaky, and the drawings were nice visuals to convey the information.

  27. ralt3 says:

    very informative with appropriate diagrams.

  28. akell3 says:

    really great video. great job

  29. xguan9 says:

    The information is organized well. But the video is shaky and it’s hard to focus watching for 3 and a half minute

  30. preisinger3 says:

    Although the camera work needs slight improvement, this video overall is very informative with great visuals! Good job!

  31. Ecol07Fl says:

    I like the drawings and voice over idea, however some of the voices were not easy to hear/understand and made it difficult to follow the content.

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