Group 26: Coral and Fish can “smell” Bad Reefs

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54 Responses to Group 26: Coral and Fish can “smell” Bad Reefs

  1. aeze3 says:

    Great job of using various methods of delivering information. The pictures, drawings, and even music were used well to keep the video engaging.

  2. drusso8 says:

    The story was a little strange, but, besides that, the only major problem that I had involved the graphs: I really couldn’t read them in the ten seconds that they were shown, so I couldn’t really connect the graph with the narration and conclusion given right away. Of course, that’s what the pause button is there for.

    I also liked the incorporation of proximate cause—even if it is still not understood!

  3. iariza3 says:

    Great use of explanatory images! This demonstrates the effort to research about the subject.

  4. cfares3 says:

    Information was clearly presented. good job!

  5. slee913 says:

    There are many materials that help to understand the topic of the video. I like the music at the beginning and the end.

  6. shoover30 says:

    This video is very well done. It is fast but it is very easy to follow with the breaks to define the words and research done. I like the music one of my favorite songs guys.

  7. kmccalley3 says:

    That was really creative! I liked following characters instead of just seeing regular drawings. Good job!

  8. mpzd3 says:

    The video was engaging because of the dynamic presentation- a mixture of drawings, vocals, and different speakers.

  9. schowdhury35 says:

    The music is very engaging right from the start. The information is presented via the images very well and I was interested the whole time. very helpful!

  10. anfc3 says:

    I really like how you dispersed the information with your fictional storyline! This was a very well-done project.

  11. dolaiya3 says:

    This was probably the most eye-catching video posted so far. It was easy to follow because of the story, but also from the very informative breaks that explained your research. Great Job.

  12. jlee961 says:

    Video was very engaging. Good job on use of different methods, kept the audience engaging

  13. lchen352 says:

    Clear explanation of definitions.

  14. kbates9 says:

    Very interesting presentation and excellent research.

  15. kchan45 says:

    Good use of a narrative to keep the video interesting. It was nice to see a variety of visuals incorporated with the information.

  16. tmvg3 says:

    Very good job! The mixture of storyline, informational pauses, and real-life examples kept the video interesting and engaging to the audience. The voices were easily understood and the music was fun.

  17. jpopp7 says:

    Wow, you all did a great job! The story made it so much easier to understand the more technical information, and the pictures were colorful and engaging. The audio was clear at all points, and the music captured my attention as soon as I pressed play.

  18. lballew3 says:

    One of the best videos I had watched! The music and drawing were an amazing touch and well used.

  19. tshaw30 says:

    Some of your visuals weren’t really needed in my opinion, but overall I still think it was a good video and I learned a lot.

  20. mdsouza8 says:

    Loved the visuals! It was very easy to listen to and understand what was being said. I love the ocean, so I might be biased, but I think the topic itself is also super exciting!

  21. tconnors3 says:

    Creative video, moves a bit too fast however

  22. swyfl3 says:

    I liked your video. The way you guys incorporated a story while also giving out information was great. Transitions between the story and other mediums of information/ slides were good and gave a change to the video.

  23. mmcintyre7 says:

    Nice drawings with clear explanations

  24. tho9 says:

    The music made me smell. 🙂 Love the visuals. The storytelling style kept me engaged and the background information that was given was really helpful as well.

  25. klanthier3 says:

    i love you integrated the information with the story and made it obvious when you were telling definitions

  26. vvellanki3 says:

    I love the images and the way you explained this. Good job!

  27. smargan3 says:

    I really liked this video! The video made good use of your group’s drawing ability. I was also able to pick up a lot of information from this video so good job!

  28. jhill67 says:

    This was really engaging but went a little fast.

  29. shoque6 says:

    I like the storyline. At times the audio was kind of bad. I really liked the drawings too as they kept my attention.

  30. ahendrix9 says:

    Great video. There are some spots where the image is a little glitchy, but not enough for it to be a major issue. Great information and very concise. Awesome format as well.

  31. jlee963 says:

    Loved the pictures you guys drew to give us a visualization of your topic.

  32. rgolding3 says:

    Though the pace was a little fast, the overall video was great– the visuals especially.

  33. kmartin65 says:

    You did a great job making use of visuals. It made it really informative and fun to listen to!

  34. lhuddleston3 says:

    Very choppy and could have been edited better. The story is a nice addition, but the choppyness distracts from it. Creative!

  35. ybelhseine3 says:

    Awesome! I like the effort put into this!

  36. npittman6 says:

    Loved the creativity! I think you all did a great job of using all modes of communication

  37. sward40 says:

    Drawings and music very entertaining. Interesting research. Coral reefs are an important part of the marine ecosystem.

  38. bkatz30 says:

    Informative, entertaining, and engaging. I liked the drawing style of the story, instead of just showing pictures it kept the screen active and really drew my attention.

  39. achen87 says:

    Very nice information. The cute story helped connect the ideas together.

  40. amorris45 says:

    Audio matches the drawings very well, Color and drawings are well done, easy to follow!

  41. sswitzer3 says:

    I liked all the diagrams and pictures drawn. Very easy to understand and clear.

  42. jjohnson396 says:

    This is wonderful! I love the visuals, and the information fits with it really well. Great job.

  43. ryoung70 says:

    Great job! The visuals were very clear and were used effectively to reinforce what you were saying. Very engaging to the viewer; I definitely enjoyed this video!

  44. sstewart39 says:

    Great and informative video! The only thing that could have been improved would be to have every narrator have the same audio quality and volume, because some voices sounded muffled.

  45. zgunnz3 says:

    Great introduction and very original. The drawings and music made learning very entertaining!

  46. sreginauld3 says:

    The visuals correlated in a great way to directly communicate the information across. The story was very informative which also helped clarify many concepts.

  47. kkinser3 says:

    I liked the use of a story to explain the topic, as well as the drawings. It was a creative way of getting the message across.

  48. nwatson9 says:

    Personally i am not a fan of the music. It distracted me somewhat from the information. Otherwise the video was on point.

  49. fbush3 says:

    I love your illustrations!! Good job presenting the information. Nicely done:)

  50. jpewitt3 says:

    You delivered a lot of information through effective visuals, good work.

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