Bio Group 08 (M) – Legionella pneumophila Modulates Mitochondrial Dynamics to Trigger Metabolic Repurposing of Infected Macrophages

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35 Responses to Bio Group 08 (M) – Legionella pneumophila Modulates Mitochondrial Dynamics to Trigger Metabolic Repurposing of Infected Macrophages

  1. Ariel says:

    Video does a good job summarizing and explaining the study, and figures/graphics help illustrate the ideas conveyed and keep a viewer engaged. Very well done.

  2. Dezarae says:

    Great explanation. Very cute video and easy to follow along.

  3. Jazmin says:

    Very engaging figures, and great explanation of mitochondrial fragmentation. I was only slightly confused as to why the actual disease was introduced in the middle of the video instead of the beginning.

  4. Roshni says:

    Loved the template/video style that you used. The graphics are simple yet they still perfectly explain and depict the purpose of the video.

  5. Zongru says:

    The video did a great job on both explaining the content and visual effect for capturing viewers’ attention.

  6. Kim Anh says:

    The introduction was very surprising and eye-catching. I enjoyed the video; it was very well explained and you guys divided work between each other quite well.

  7. Malek says:

    Animation really helped in explaining information, especially at the start.

  8. Kayla says:

    I really enjoyed how personalized and interesting the video was! The graphics were simple yet easy to understand and paired well with the commentary. It was also clear that you all worked together to create the video.

  9. Alyssa says:

    The visuals did a great job enhancing the script and everything was very easy to understand. Overall great job.

  10. Maria says:

    Great job! Background music was a little distracting sometimes.

  11. Jason says:

    Good Job. Well put into a video. Great Animations

  12. Sarah says:

    Nice animation and high-energy background music (though it might have been a little too loud)!

    Also, I had never really heard of Legionaries disease––it was very useful to know that it’s spread by things like ice machines and showers and that there are no current cures!

  13. Alexandra says:

    The animation was great, and I love that everyone helped narrate. I didn’t have any previous knowledge of Legionaries or mitochondrial fragmentation, but I thought the explanations were really good.

  14. Anh Thu says:

    Some of the figures lacked axis titles and the background music was somewhat distracting. However, your summary was very well done and visually represented. Good job!

  15. Jacquelyn says:

    This is one of few non-whiteboard videos and I cannot express how thankful I am for that. The video was interesting and pretty professional, however the audio wasnt great.

  16. Brian says:

    Good job! I really liked the graphics used, but the background music was kind of distracting from the narration.

  17. Eric says:

    I got good vibes from this video and its upbeat background music. The visuals were very well put together; however, I wasn’t able to notice any sort of conclusion drawn from the data.

  18. Robert says:

    Although this video was very informative about Legionella pneumophila, I still don’t quite understand what this study was trying to show. There is not a very good connection of the figures to the information.

  19. Cameron says:

    The information was easy to follow; however, the music was a little too loud and was distracting. Also I would have liked connection to a broader topic in the conclusion.

  20. Molly says:

    The video is great! I was entertained by the graphics while still learning about macrophages

  21. Brice says:

    Music was great, maybe just lower the fader a tad. The actual article content made sense and was well portrayed. Good job incorporating everyone in your group as well.

  22. Maxwell says:

    The video provides a very good explanation of this experiment and its results through engaging music, descriptions, and visuals.

  23. Delfina says:

    The video was very informative, but I found the background music a little distracting. the article content was presented in a very clear manner, and the animations provided a good visual aid.

  24. Sarah says:

    The animations were very creative and helped keep me engaged throughout this presentation. The background music was a little distracting at certain points, but overall the explanation of the information was very clear. Great job!

  25. William says:

    Really good explanation of the concepts, but the background music could be distracting when you are talking along with the animated person’s “speaking” during the video. Overall great work though.

  26. Sydney says:

    I really liked the addition of background music. It kept me interested in the video. Also, there were great visuals that contributed to information being presented. Great work!

  27. Sydney says:

    I really liked the addition of background music. It kept me interested in the video. Also, there were great visuals that contributed to information being presented.

  28. Sidney says:

    good job! music choice was not good. too much noise. the video sound was annoying.

  29. Michael says:

    I thought the animations of yourselves was really interesting. On the whole it was a great video, but I think that you used a little too much jargon. You could have simplified the video by removing some of it .

  30. Soohyon says:

    The animations are nice and I liked that everyone took part in explaining.

  31. Cori says:

    Cute personalization of the characters, the explanations are a little too complex because of all the scientific names.

  32. Sahil says:

    Animated visuals were great. The background music was a nice touch. Good video!

  33. Samantha says:

    I didn’t like the background music. It was hard to hear y’all. And you forgot some axis titles on the graphs. But the video was definitely pleasing to the audience and explanatory

  34. Triston says:

    Some issues with audio balancing, but other than that the visuals were effective and interesting. Good video!

  35. Madison says:

    Great work! Loved how each group member introduced him or herself through the cartoon characters before diving into the content. Content was clear and presented well. Each group member contributed equally.

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