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Content of Biological Principles at is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported License.
For the beginning of the video, I feel that the speed o dialogue was too fast. The diagrams weren’t explained either. I understand they were representative of the data you were speaking, but I think you should have said “Diagram A here is showing such and such occuring”
Slide layouts helped make the presentation very easy to follow. Speaking may have been a little quick. Charts were helpful.
The video was very informative, and the story in the end was a nice idea. The audio was sometimes too quick to make sense though.
The video has a very good transition from history to present/current evidence of GMO’s/Superweeds. The story was very informative in understanding the concept of superweeds.
Having yourselves in the video rather than narrating the powerpoint slides would have made the video more interesting. Altogether good job though!
Informative video, the slides helped to understand the information better. The ending was creative and made the video more interesting. Good job!
Very informative video with easily understandable explanations of the topic. The voiceovers were just a little quick to keep up with, and the data tables a little too small to read.
Interesting background on generation of pesticide resistant weeds! Not sure of scope of research paper, but possibly could have discussed implications/problems for agricultural industry? Good job integrating class material in with background information, and nice “story” at the end.
Overall I thought it was a very good video. All of the concepts were explained well but everyone talked to fast that it was hard to understand some of the information you were throwing at us.
Great video! I think the PowerPoint slides were very informative and the bit on Weedville at the end was entertaining. At times, you sounded rushed in your speaking, but otherwise it was a great video!
4.5 Many of the portions were both easy to follow and informative, such as the progression of the weeds and the herbicides and how the weeds then evolved. It was also nice to have the important information repeated as this event was also presented in a story format. The table at one point was hard to understand and the information there was hard to follow.
The speed of the speech is very fast and makes the video hard to understand. It is very informative which is a good thing, but it becomes a little dry after a while. Overall good job! I loved the ending! It was a needed change of pace.
Ultimately full of great information. This being said, the delivery is rushed and rather dry. An employment of live action video, comedy, or animation (prior to the 3:30 mark) may have helped keep my interest throughout. What’s more, it may have been beneficial to present the information in a more simplified, brief manner
The audio was a little hard to hear and the speaking was a little too fast, but overall great content. I like how you showed quantifiable data that superweeds are becoming less affected by herbicides.
I liked your use of the slides that had text and images while one person explained each point. The slides were very informative and the animation at the end created a nice visual. The speaking parts could have been slowed down a little bit, but the information was very concise and clear.
The beginning slides were very neat and made it easy to follow along the audio. However, the audio was a little fast at times. Overall, good presentation.
Your narrator’s voice sounds sped up and is distracting but you have a lot of information.
The information is good but hard to follow, make it presented in a more interesting way and slow down the narrator’s voice.
The narrator’s voices are sped up and distracting to viewer. The charts shown had tiny writing and could barely be seen. However, there was a lot covered in the video.
Very thorough and great use of example to help incorporate ideas. A bit too much information.
The narrator’s voice in the beginning was too fast and distracting; you tried to fit too much information in a short period of time as opposed to trying to make the information more concise. The other narrators were just find, providing sufficient, detailed information. I also thoroughly enjoyed the story of the superweed.
All of the graphic images throughout the video were very entertaining and your video contained a lot of information.
The only problem that i have with the video is that the narrator’s voice is clearly sped up in order to meet the 5 minute time limit. And also a PowerPoint is not very original formatting for a presentation
The fast narrator voice detracted from the good information being presented.
The information presented is excellent, but the way it is presented is a bit dry.
You definitely know a lot about your topic. However you did not convey you knowledge in the best way. Also some of the charts were hard to see but you did explain them so it sufficed.
The narration is a bit too quick to keep up with. It’s a bit of information overload, could use a bit of breaking up.
Great information on resistance concept! Hard to listen to the narration but enjoyed the extra information it allowed for.
it seems like your video lost focus
The context is solid and the video is smooth. It’s a bit hard to understand at times but overall it’s clear and informative.
The video was very informative overall. I definitely appreciated the explanation of the superweeds, including the story at the end. The voices were a little fast, but the visuals helped a great deal.
The voice makes some of the information hard to hear,but good information!
Very informative and pretty well done, but with each successive narrator, the speed of the voice increased and the sound quality decreased. Also a bit confused on the nice little animated story at the end. Great job, though! I liked it a lot.
Interesting topic and good information, the narrators spoke very fast though.
Pretty good video. Lots of information presented to prove your point to the audience. Used different types of evidence.
Great video and very detailed information! The talking was kind of fast, but there was a lot of information to cover and it was still comprehensible
The large amount of information is almost overwhelming but it is very informative
The information was well-explained and the examples helped to explain the genetics concepts. The voice of the narrator was, however, a bit fast at times.
In addition to being informative, I liked how “fun” the group made it- the added superhero drawings and smiley and frowny faces throughout the video made me want to watch it!
I like that you have slides that I can read because it helps me keep up and burns the information into my brain better.
There seemed to be too much information in the video. An overview might have been more helpful and entertaining.
A lot of really nice information, but the way it was set up like a slide show made it a little boring after a while.
The narrator was a little fast, but the story to describe super weeds was fantastic
It seems that superweeds are a huge problem for farmers because they spread their resistant genes and a whole field is contaminated. Having to completely scrap an entire plot of a crop would seriously mess up a farmer’s plan for that harvest season. I don’t personally have any problems with GMO’s, and it seems they’re actually really helpful with maintaining superweeds if the research companies can work out the kinks and apply what they’ve found to the superweeds.
the content was good but the narrator talked a little too fast
Overall, the video was informative. However, the speech in video was a little too fast. Other than that, video was good
The information was presented in a clear way, but this could have been a little more engaging. However, you presented A LOT of material in a short amount of time, which is great. Good job, guys.
Audio was a bit hard to hear at times, but you all obviously put in a lot of work!
Nice Video and Good efforts. Only problem was it is really hard to follow the narrator and the quality of sound.
The video has nice visuals and story, but the audio is sometimes hard to understand.