Group 36: Bacteria that use far-red light for photosynthesis

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38 Responses to Group 36: Bacteria that use far-red light for photosynthesis

  1. lchen352 says:

    Great animation used to present a story about this bacterium.

  2. stailor3 says:

    The narration is good, and it is easy to understand.

  3. sparra6 says:

    Very entertaining. I found the presentation format to be very effective at showing what you have learned. Good job!

  4. lballew3 says:

    The story book style of the presentation was cute and looked very nice when compared to other presentation. Also very informative without sacrificing entertainment.

  5. esims7 says:

    This is by far the cutest project that I have seen so far! I like the background music and the storybook theme, and I am impressed that they were not distracting. The information was presented clearly. Great work!

  6. smudrinich6 says:

    I think the visuals were clean, eye-catching and well-done! Interesting topic, too! Good work outta y’all!

  7. mbunker6 says:

    More pictures would help keep me interested, but the music and story were cute.

  8. mchandler30 says:

    this was beautiful great use of imagery!

  9. cfares3 says:

    Good job!

  10. mbarroso3 says:

    I liked how the video was presented in a different format from the other videos. The information presented in the video also described the bacteria well.

  11. ltran44 says:

    Great illustration! I also like the way your group start the video!Well done

  12. aheil3 says:


  13. smihm3 says:

    A good video, very informative. Overall the video was fairly engaging and being able to read along with the narrator is nice however not having any activity in the video gets a little long as you are just re-reading everything being said. The video is necessarily adding to the video. Overall though still a great job, guys!

  14. smehta73 says:

    Great video narration and quality of information is great

  15. rtopiwala3 says:

    I really liked the story idea and the narration.

  16. ttsung3 says:

    The format of this project was very original. Good way to add some diversity into these projects

  17. sward40 says:

    Video was cute while communicating the main points of the topic, making it more enjoyable to watch overall.

  18. jkim3086 says:

    I like the animation! It kept my attention! Used interesting and good way to represent information!

  19. mbonus3 says:

    great visuals and content

  20. cwade32 says:

    The writing and the pace of the narration made the video very easy to understand.

  21. amorris45 says:

    Great video with a comfortable feel and good visuals and audio! Also educational! One of the smoother projects I have seen!

  22. yyang418 says:

    Great artwork and writing. It was very easy to follow.

  23. bharris60 says:

    Great animation! The music made it very interesting.

  24. aeze3 says:

    Great job at simplifying your concepts. Using a story was creative.

  25. ybelhseine3 says:

    This is what happens when people take time and do their work well. I like the creativity in the video and the format is a great medium for education.

  26. rmccord8 says:

    Very informative. I love the background music!

  27. bpatel63 says:

    Good use of music and the narration was easy to follow. Good job!

  28. rpuvvada3 says:

    Super cute! And thank you for not doing another white board video…

  29. hbrar6 says:

    This was a very organized video, the flow of information was very well put together.

  30. hbennett7 says:

    Hats off to whoever chose the background music 🙂 I feel like I now know everything there is to know about leptolyngbya, good job guys.

  31. marija3 says:

    Unique and easy to follow! The content was nicely simplified yet still very informative. Engaging, concise and clear. great job!

  32. sreginauld3 says:

    The data was presented in a manner that was both captivating and understanding. Great Work!

  33. icaballero3 says:

    Very good job! Super clear and easy to understand. The narration and images were on point.

  34. creinhardt6 says:

    Good overall video with lots of great information.

  35. mdt7 says:

    Nice presentation with visual effect! It is easy to understand!

  36. asellers9 says:

    I liked how you set up the video like a story, it was really cute and effective. I also enjoyed the music in the background!

  37. jtruax3 says:

    Its an interesting format of presenting but the page turning was a little distracting.

  38. slee913 says:

    Good visuals helping me understand this topic. Good connection with class materials. Good background music.

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