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Blooming Cephalopods (Biology and Climate Change) – Group 4
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I really like the drawings and explanations! You all did well to introduce the topic and tie it in to things we’ve learned in class and also the significant impacts. Only thing I would change is maybe adding more drawings that match what was being narrated, and also make sure the camera was in focus since it was a little blurry at times. Great job!
The music complemented the music very well. The drawings were also probably the best in my opinion out of all the groups that used drawings as their visuals.
I was in this group. So i like this video 🙂
The speaker did a great job of narrating the video. Information presented was clear and concise, great job!
Does every group have at least an artist? My group has 1 as well lol. You guys did a very good job on drawing, and explanation. If you increase the brightness, this video even becomes more perfect.
The video was excellent in it’s coverage of the topic!
Great job! I love the beautiful hand drawings and the clear explanation.
The drawings made this video playful as well as informative. I really enjoyed watching this!
I really liked the drawings. The explanations were really clear and easy to understand as well.
Good content and explanation, the narration could sync better with the drawing though. Also, I think that since this video relies heavily on visuals, it would be better if you could render it in at least 720p. Great job though!